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The Migrant Rape Epidemic in Germany and the Descent into Madness
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The Migrant Rape Epidemic in Germany and the Descent into Madness


The staggering number of sex crimes committed in a single month in Germany (July 2016) by non-White immigrants will give us an idea of the scale of this problem on an annual basis. Never before in peacetime have the women of any single nation been sexually assaulted and raped on such an industrial scale. Females of all ages, from toddlers to women in their late seventies, are included in the grim statistics. Most of the victims are young rather than old; and their assailants, who are of all ages, are almost invariably single men who are described coyly in official documents as “Southerners”, or, more audaciously, as  “dark-skinned foreigners”.

Allow me to insert at this point the first of three lists of sex crimes committed by immigrants to Germany in the single month of July 2016. The three dates are randomly chosen at regular ten-day intervals: July 1, July 10, and July 20. This will give you a pretty good idea of what is going on in Germany nowadays.

First, then, the details for July 1, 2016.

July 1, 2016:  A 25-year-old migrant from Pakistan sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl in a public square in Perleberg. A “southern guy” (südländischer Typ) sexually assaulted a young woman in Nürnberg. A “dark-skinned” man (dunkelhäutig) groped a 15-year-old girl in Magdeburg. A 34-year-old migrant exposed himself to passersby in Oldenburg. A man speaking “broken German” sexually assaulted a 20-year-old woman in Ibbenbüren.

Police were searching for a “southern looking man” (südländisch aussehende Mann) who assaulted a 73-year-old man walking his dog in Sindelfingen. The migrant came up behind the elderly man, grabbed his crotch and demanded to have sex with him. The elderly man tried to get away by getting into his parked car, but the migrant jumped into the passenger seat and again demanded sex. The migrant ran away when a passerby walking her three dogs approached the parked car.

Meanwhile, a 32-year-old migrant from Afghanistan photographed two girls, age 12 and 14, who were swimming in the Iller River in Illertissen. As they got out of the water, the man offered to pay them for sex.

(See Appendix, here)

The sexual assault on a 73-year-old German pensioner by a male asylum seeker is not only highly exceptional but probably unprecedented in the annals of German history. Attractive little boys often feature as objects of migrant sexual ardor, especially in swimming pools, but wrinkled and tottering old timers in their seventies?—this simply has to be a first. Something perhaps for the Guinness Book of World Records or Ripley’s Believe It Or Not.

The claim that all these rapist hordes from faraway places are desperate “refugees” can be dismissed out of hand as arrant nonsense. Desperate fugitives fleeing persecution in their own lands don’t repay their new hosts by raping their hosts’ womenfolk as soon as they arrive in their new European El Dorado, while begging for asylum at the same time. The idea is self-contradictory. Absurd. These are invaders, pure and simple.

Whether the incoming swarms from the Third World are “Muslims” or not is commonly thought to be irrelevant, at least by the presstitutes of the mainstream media. Not only are ridiculous efforts being made to suppress the ethnic origin of the criminals—too much candor is seen as “racist”—but disingenous attempts are sometimes made to give the impression that the criminals could be white. (See here)

It needs to be pointed out in the interests of accuracy that these migrants for the most part come from countries where Islam is the official religion, i.e., Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, and various African countries. Most good Muslims would obviously like to disown these bad Muslims, claiming they are either bogus Muslims or Muslims only in name. But it becomes exceedingly hard to sustain this argument if the same people who are responsible for the plethora of sex crimes listed in this article (and carefully documented in police reports) are also regular mosque attendees, observe Ramadan, read the Qur’an, forbid pork, praise sharia law, insist on their women being veiled, and shout “Allahu Akbar!” at moments of high tension.

According to a recent Gatestone Institute Report, sexual prowlers from foreign lands can now be found lurking in almost every corner. No German is safe from attack in the new multicultural madhouse.

During the month of July 2016, hundreds of German women and children were sexually assaulted by migrants The youngest victim was nine; the oldest, 79. Attacks occurred at beaches, bike trails, cemeteries, discotheques, grocery stores, music festivals, parking garages, playgrounds, schools, shopping malls, taxis, public transportation (buses, trams, intercity express trains and subways), public parks, public squares, public swimming pools and public restrooms. Predators are lurking everywhere; safety [is found] nowhere.Germany’s Migrant Rape Crisis Spirals out of Control: Suppression of data about migrant rapes is ‘Germany-wide phenomenon.’” by Soeren Kern (August 9, 2016)

To read the rest of the article, click here.


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