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The Triptych Enigma: Freemasonry’s Forbidden Ancient "Universal Religion" Rediscovered
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The Triptych Enigma: Freemasonry’s Forbidden Ancient "Universal Religion" Rediscovered


An unprecedented new archaeological discovery has been made that ties the world’s ancient pyramid-building civilizations together and shows they all practiced the same advanced "Universal Religion."

The discovery, on the surface, is a seemingly simple one: it is the discovery of a key architectural parallel they all shared, and which is still visible in the ruins of their temples. We can see this parallel in the photo below. Note how the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, and Indonesians—ancient pyramid-building cultures that scholars claim were not connected—all built parallel-looking "Triptych" temples:

The pyramid-cultures all built "Triptych" three-door temples, with the door in the middle wider and taller than the two flanking it.

As we can see, the facade of each temple has the same unmistakable three-door pattern. Astonishingly, the universality of this architectural phenomenon has yet to be noted by archaeologists, and as such I have chosen the term "Triptych" to describe it, due to its similarity to the Triptychs painted by many Renaissance painters (many of whom, we shall find later, were aware of these Triptychs and their meaning).

These ancient Triptych temples, far from being an isolated phenomenon, occur in just about every ancient culture across the world. And they occur multiple times in each culture. Note the Mayan Triptych temples visible below:

Eight Mayan Triptych temples from various cities in the Yucatan Peninsula.

The abundant occurrence of the Triptych across the ancient world is not a random coincidence. The Triptych represents more than merely an architectural element; the Triptych is the chief symbol of an advanced Universal Religion that was once shared globally in Antiquity, mainly by the pyramid cultures. The discovery of the Triptych provides, for the first time, conclusive evidence that ancient cultures worldwide shared the same spiritual beliefs. It also indicates that these cultures did not evolve independently, but were probably descended from the same more remote parent source.

The Universal Religion symbolized by the Triptych was banned in the West 2,000 years ago by the Catholic Church, but nonetheless it has continued into modern times, surviving in the beliefs of Secret Societies and their art and architecture. Look, for example, at the headquarters of the Freemasons, the Skull & Bones, the Shriners and the Knights of Pythias. Each building’s facade depicts an unmistakable Triptych pattern:

The Triptych pattern is visible on the facades of the most famous Secret Society headquarters.

The Universal Religion shared by the ancients and hidden in these Secret Society Triptychs is a complex and detailed spiritual belief system. Its tenets have been known throughout recent history by philosophers, poets, theologians, astronomers, alchemists and occultist—all of whom have been initiated into its wisdom.

The Universal Religion teaches that:

- Deep down each one of us is an eternal spiritual "soul"
- This soul is our real true immortal "Self"
- This Self is actually a divine "god" or deity with overreaching powers

The problem is, we have amnesia of our immortal godhood Self (capital S) because it is covered up by our mortal animal bodily self (lowercase s) while we live our lives on earth.

You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body." —C.S. Lewis

“Man is a god in the body of an animal according to the pronouncement of ancient philosophy…” [1] Dr. Alvin Boyd Kuhn

“A man is a god in ruins. [2] ” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

By following a careful set of instructions—encoded in the Triptych—we can transcend our body and see our real god Self within. This has long been the goal of alchemists, occultists, spiritualists and philosophers, and it is achieved by an age-old spiritual practice known as "Awakening Our Third Eye," with the Third Eye being a vestigial organ of spiritual illumination that lies hidden in the human forehead. Whereas the two eyes see outward at material things, the single Third Eye sees inward at the inner soul.

As it turns out, this too has been encoded into buildings that contain a Triptych. As we shall see in a moment, the Third Eye is symbolized by the center door of the Triptych:

Left: Triptych entrance with luminous Third Eye above the center door, The Museum of Television & Radio in New York City. Right: Triptych pattern with Third Eye above the center door on a dome of a key building of the Bronx Zoo in New York City.

The Third Eye is well-known in esoteric circles and has been variously described throughout history as the “Divine Eye," "All Seeing Eye," “Mind’s Eye,” “Eye of the Soul,” and “Inner Eye." While the name for it differs, what remains constant throughout the esoteric doctrines is that the Third Eye is not a metaphor, symbol, or analogy. It is affirmed to be a real, physical part of the body able to strengthen or atrophy as much as any other muscle; by exercising it, one slowly but steadily increases their awareness of their natural spiritual powers.


Read the full article at:

Classicist Richard Cassaro is a specialist on ancient religions and secret societies. His new book, Written In Stone, reveals never-before-seen visual evidence of a “secret code” hidden in plain view in the architectural facades of the world’s most famous Gothic cathedrals. He says the code conveys an ancient message to posterity which was fully intended by the Freemasons who scholars say built these sacred structures.


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