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Trade treaties, mega-corporations, and worldwide socialism
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Trade treaties, mega-corporations, and worldwide socialism


I use the loaded word "socialism" in the headline, because it's important to understand that Globalism is a form of socialism.

That may not sit well with some people, because they believe in the socialism team and they think that team is against Globalism. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's about time they woke up.

Globalism was born out of the triumphs of cutthroat capitalists like Rockefeller, and out of the triumphs of international bankers like Rothschild and Warburg. These men made a decision quite natural for them: "By hook and by crook I've acquired my fortune; now I want a monopoly; I want to cut out the competition; I want empire; therefore, I have to control governments; I want to make governments more powerful, so by controlling them I control society."

What better way to make governments more powerful than by forming a long-term (criminal) collaboration with mega-corporations, including major banks?

Governments plus giant corporations. Does that equal socialism?

You can quibble and say the corporations are really in charge and therefore this arrangement isn't socialism. Call it oligarchy. Call it runaway capitalism or the corporate state.

The collaboration among governments, mega-corporations, and bankers is the triangle. It's the engine of control. It grossly limits freedom. It claims, through propaganda, that its "government wing" is for the people. That's utter nonsense, of course.

Today's socialists believe government is the answer to the control of society by big money and big greed. That's a delusion. The governments are on the side of big money.

Socialists also like to say that governments are weak sisters in the pocket of the corporations, and therefore the governments must become stronger. Another dangerous fantasy.

The last time I looked at America, for example, the government had an extensive military, a dizzying number of spying agencies, and a gigantic Justice Department that could make arrests and put criminals on trial. If that's weak, what's strong?

Who are the major money men of Wall Street the US government has thrown in prison? Who are the mega-corporate thugs the government has sent away for life terms?

The government is firmly in bed with the corporations. Committed. Purposefully.

All the trade treaties - GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA, the TPP, etc.- are basically instruments of the government-corporate collaboration. They strengthen the corporations and they strengthen the de facto global management system, which is government on a far larger scale.

Securing monopoly requires controlling governments and making those governments more and more repressive, in order to put populations under control.

It makes perfect sense, if you're a billionaire/ trillionaire sociopath.

When I say "Globalists controlling governments," I'm talking about a partnership, and if one partner, equipped with armies, spies, and prosecutors, surrenders to the other partner, that's a form of extreme cowardice.

Just one example: the current Globalist TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) negotiation is secret, as are the details of the treaty. But any legislator in any of the 12 member nations could step out of the shadows and communicate everything he knows about what's in the treaty…if he wanted to.

In the US, a senator might, at the extreme, spend a night in jail for violating Executive Branch regulations on classified data.

He would also spark a much needed Constitutional crisis, and he would become a popular hero.

But no; so far, no US Senator or Congressman has dared to spill all the beans.

Voluntary surrender of power.

Of course, when government surrenders its powers long enough (since roughly 1913 in the US), and when Globalists/Socialists are brought into one key government position after another, up to and including the Presidency, the corruption runs very, very deep.

Does this sound like a benign State that wants to do everything it can to help the people?

Does this sound like "heraldic Socialism" determined to build a peaceful and fair society?

Right now, President Obama is running around in a panic, trying to put together enough Congressional votes to pass the TPP. Does that sound like a man who wants to rescue the American people from the mega-corporations?

The so-called classic definition of socialism: government controls the means of production.

Just change that a bit: government, in criminal collaboration with mega-corporations, controls the means of production.

Split hairs if you want to; but it's a distinction without a difference.

George Bush the Elder (Globalist), who briefly served as the director of the CIA and a director of the Council on Foreign Relations (Rockefeller/Globalist powerhouse), ran for a second term in the White House against neophyte Bill Clinton (Globalist). Under ordinary circumstances, there was no way Bush could have lost. But it was Globalist vs. Globalist. A distinction without a difference.


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