TSA rolls out ’detention pods’ that trap passengers inside
You don’t have to be claustrophobic to find the new TSA security exit pods at airports scary.The new ’exit portal’ pods which enclose each traveler as they attempt to exit the airport are being touted as "saving the government money" by negating the need for armed guards or police at exits.
Reportedly, in the event of a ’security breach’, the portals will close and lock.
Once again ’security’ trumps personal freedom and actual safety - hopefully they’ll never malfunction and trap people inside, and maybe they won’t hold people in the event of fire....
There’s a REASON revolving doors as exits developed a reputation as a safety hazard:
As is common in panic situations, many patrons attempted to exit through the main entrance, the same way they had entered. The building’s main entrance was a single revolving door, rendered useless as the panicked crowd scrambled for safety. Bodies piled up behind both sides of the revolving door, jamming it to the extent that firefighters had to dismantle it to enter. Later, after fire laws had tightened, it would become illegal to have only one revolving door as a main entrance without being flanked by outward opening doors with panic bar openers attached, or have the revolving doors set up so that the doors could fold against themselves in emergency situations. Source
These pods are just one more outrageous, expensive, potentially dangerous, ’cells’ made to habituate travelers to being treated as criminals, get them used to being arbitrarily detained, automate and dehumanize the airport experience and fill the general public with anxiety.
More from MailOnline...
TSA rolls out ’detention pods’ that trap passengers inside
From: MailOnline
Not content with the tight security in place at many of the nations airports, the TSA is now funding the roll-out of exit pods at major airport terminals across the country.
The pods temporarily detain passengers before they are allowed to leave.
Travelers are forced through the pods as the leave the airport terminal before a robotic voice gives instructions to wait inside the pod until a green light is shown and the door opens.
Once travelers exit the pods, they are unable to re-enter the terminal.
The pods have already been installed at Syracuse International Airport as part of a $60 million dollar renovation.
There are plans for the pods to be installed at other major airports soon.
’We need to be vigilant and maintain high security protocol at all times. These portals were designed and approved by TSA which is important,’ said Syracuse Airport Commissioner Christina Callahan.
Read the full article at: dailymail.co.uk