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Two Stabbed at Minnesota's Mall of America; Man in Custody
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Two Stabbed at Minnesota's Mall of America; Man in Custody


Editor’s note: The violence that has taken place at Mall of America over the years, including this most recent incident, is a result of the calculated resettlement of African migrants in Minnesota. Even if we set aside overt acts of violence for the moment, it is obvious that White Minnesotans, who are predominantly of Scandinavian and German descent, are being displaced and dispossessed.

An anti-White, genocidal ethnic conflict model has been instituted not because of compassion for the plight of Somalians, but because of virulent anti-White hatred. The incident that you will read about below is symptomatic of this insidious program as Africans transplant their culture of criminality to historically White living spaces. According to the Washington Post, Police charged 20-year-old Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahaman of Minneapolis with the stabbings.– Mundilfury.

A stabbing at one of the nation's largest malls has left two people injured and shoppers who were waiting to see Santa Claus shocked following what police call an "interrupted theft."

Police say the incident happened Sunday evening in the dressing room area of the Mall of America's Macy's. Police say one victim was stabbed after confronting a man attempting to steal his belongings from the dressing room. The second victim was stabbed after intervening.

A 20-year-old man is in custody. The victims were taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

Maddie Schwieters tells KARE-TV she was in line to see Santa when she ran toward the commotion nearby and saw two people on the floor. The 16-year-old calls the incident "horrific." Police say shoppers weren't in any danger. Macy's closed early but the rest of the mall stayed open.

Here are similar riotous incidents from past years including a Black Lives Matter affiliated rampage. Violence begets more violence: will we see reprisals for the most recent stabbings? That is highly likely.



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