#UCCShooting: A Nazi Obsessed, White Supremacist, Occultist, Who Targeted Christians, Had Muslim Friends, Was Mixed Race and Killed 10 White People
The media can make you believe anything.
Despite that the Oregon shooter Chris Harper-Mercer was of mixed race with a black mom and a White dad, the media initially was doing everything they could to pin him as a Nazi and a White supremacist.

LA times reports:
Mercer was apparently obsessed with guns, held anti-religion views and liked to discuss military history. Sources said he left behind an angry, hate-filled note.
The "hate-filled note" hasn't been published and most likely won't be, so we are left speculating as to who his object of hate was.
It seems that the shooter is a little bit of everything so that we can hone in on that aspect to project our hate.
If we look at his dating profile at Spiritual Passions we can see that he's into the occult and left-hand-path magick. See the blue links at the bottom of the page.

According to his dating profile he was into the occult and the left hand path magick, so when will we see an all out condemnation of the alive and well satanist network in America? On the other hand he also likes meditation so perhaps we can blame the New Age?
Well that kind of makes sense since he didn't like organized religion and he did target Christians, reportedly shooting them in the head. See the story below for more.
On the other hand he went by the name ironcross45 on his dating profile so that puts us back in the hate-the-nazi camp again. In fact, The Telegraph calls this “an obsession with Nazis.”
He didn't like Christians and apparently had radical Muslim friends on myspace, one that was sporting images of ISIS.

But hang on, someone did some digging and found his handle “lithum_love”on Kickass Torrents and discovered that he was fully into alt-conspiracy topics. He uploaded a Sandy Hook doc to Torrents, followed by material about crop circles, ancient aliens and Nikola Tesla:

So when will the purging of the Alt Conspiracy sphere begin?
Predictably the liberal left is blaming Chris' conservative republican view and his love for guns as a motivator behind the shooting.
So where does this leave us? Who do we blame beyond White people of course?
Well, he was into a bit of EVERYTHING, so it seems. He appears to be a NEW KIND OF SHOOTER, one that checks all the boxes providing something for everyone to use as angst against their political and ideological enemies.
The news is running with the “White supremacist” narrative yet all of Harper's victims were White, not to mention his mother is black. Immediately after the Oregon shooting, trending on twitter was the NBC article about a “study” that claimed “White Americans are the biggest terror threat.” The “study” was done by the Soros-funded New America Foundation. George Soros also funds Femen, Black Lives Matter and spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators.

Did the “study” factor in shooters like these?

Chris is called White when deemed convenient by the media but Obama also a mulatto, is black.
Immediately after the shooting the media was looking for connected “hate” sites, which ofcourse are websites only White people visit.
Chris Harper-Mercer, while using the handle “Lithium_Love,” on Kickass Torrents also expressed sympathy for Vester Flanagan, the former gay television reporter who cried racism then shot and killed two Virginia journalists on live TV in August. Flanagan was also mulatto.
Elliot Roger, also biracial White/Asian, was a rapist, thief, and murderer who killed 6 people. The media referred to him as White and a product of “White privilege” and “White pathology.”
Elliot's manifesto mentioned hatred of “blondes” 62 times and described White people as “enemies.”
So does mixed race America have to answer for these shootings Salon?

Oregon gunman singled out Christians during rampage
By Chris Perez, Danika Fears & Natalie Musumeci
| nypost.com
A gunman singled out Christians, telling them they would see God in “one second,” during a rampage at an Oregon college Thursday that left at least nine innocent people dead and several more wounded, survivors and authorities said.
“[He started] asking people one by one what their religion was. ‘Are you a Christian?’ he would ask them, and if you’re a Christian, stand up. And they would stand up and he said, ‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second.’ And then he shot and killed them,” Stacy Boylen, whose daughter was wounded at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., told CNN.

Chris Harper-MercerPhoto: Myspace
A Twitter user named @bodhilooney, who said her grandmother was at the scene of the carnage, tweeted that if victims said they were Christian, “then they were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs.”
Gunman Chris Harper-Mercer’s disdain for religion was evident in an online profile, in which he became a member of a “doesn’t like organized religion” group on an Internet dating site.
Kortney Moore, 18, said she saw the teacher of her Writing 115 class get shot in the head at the college’s Snyder Hall before the gunman started asking people to state their religion and opening fire, the city’s News-Review newspaper reported.
Harper-Mercer, 26, was killed in a shootout with police outside one of the classrooms, said Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin.
“There was an exchange of gunfire,” he said. “The shooter threat was neutralized.”
Although police put the death toll at 10 — including Harper-Mercer — with seven people injured, Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum had said 13 people died.
In other developments:
- The killer was carrying four guns — three pistols and a rifle — a source told CNN.
- An anonymous user wrote in an ominous post on the online bulletin board 4chan Wednesday night: “Some of you guys are alright. Don’t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest. happening thread will be posted tomorrow morning. so long space robots.”
- Online profiles linked to Harper-Mercer showed that he had a fascination with the terror tactics of the Irish Republican Army, and bought Nazi memorabilia. He also wrote a blog post that mentioned Vester Lee Flanagan, who murdered a Virginia newswoman and cameraman live on air, according to CBS News. “Seems like the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight,” he wrote.
- A former president of the college said that it has only one unarmed security officer and that the community decided against armed guards last year. “I suspect this is going to start a discussion across the country about how community colleges prepare themselves for events like this,” Joe Olson told CBS.
- President Obama issued a plea for greater gun control and bemoaned that America is “the only advanced country on Earth [that] sees these kind of mass shooting every few months.”
- The attack brought the number of mass shootings in the nation this year to 294, according to the Mass Shooting Tracker. The website defines mass shootings as incidents in which four or more people are killed or injured by gunfire.
Witnesses described a chaotic scene inside Snyder Hall.
People were scrambling “like ants” when the gunman opened fire around 10:38 a.m., according to Brady Winder, a 23-year-old student from Portland.
“People [were] screaming, ‘Get out!’ ” he told The News-Review, adding he saw a girl frantically swimming across a creek to escape.
Student Hannah Miles was sitting in a classroom next door when she heard a pop that sounded like a yardstick slapping on a chalkboard, she said.
Everyone in her classroom fled as more gunfire erupted.
Student Brandy Winter posted on Facebook, “I ran to the edge of the campus, down a hill and waited. From talking with a student in the classroom where it happened, almost every person in the room was shot by a man with four guns.”

Friends and family console each other.Photo: Dan Morrison
Another student, Luke Rogers, said he saw blood in a classroom as he was evacuated from the building.
“As we passed by the classroom, on the ground there were drops of blood,” the first-year Umpqua student told CNN. “We didn’t see any bodies. We saw books on the ground.”

Student Hannah Miles sits with her sister after she was reunited with her family.Photo: Andy Nelson/The Register-Guard via AP
One witness told The New York Times that she heard gunshots outside her classroom.
She said a middle-aged woman then tried to close the door and prevent the shooter from getting inside, but she was shot several times in the stomach.
The gunman “was just out there, hanging outside the door,” Cassandra Welding told the Times “and she slumped over and I knew something wasn’t right. And they’re like, ‘She got shot, she got shot.’ And everyone is panicking.”

Two women wait outside the Umpqua Community College campus after the shooting.Photo: AP
Douglas County Fire Marshal Ray Shoulfer said victims were found in “multiple classrooms,” according to CNN.
The sheriff said the shooter was taken down by two officers who rushed to the scene without backup minutes into the shooting.
In a national address, Obama lamented that mass shootings have become routine in America.
“I hope and pray that I don’t have to come out again during my tenure as president to offer my condolences to families in these circumstances,” he said. “But based on my experience as president, I can’t guarantee that, and that’s terrible to say, and it can change.”
Source: nypost.com