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Ukraine PM Unwelcome at Globalist Forum Davos
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Ukraine PM Unwelcome at Globalist Forum Davos

By Henrik Palmgren |

While protests rage in Ukraine, globalists prepare for Davos and the World Economic Forum. Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov won’t be attending Davos however, as the organization ’disinvited’ him, the official stance suggesting it’s due to the chaos raging in his home country.

Protests in Ukraine were originally large, pro-EU street marches following outrage over President Yanukovych’s decision to back out of an agreement with the European Union. The government instead is strengthening ties with Russia.

Now the protests have escalated into violent clashes over anti-protest laws, and have resulted in the deaths of three protesters.

Kurt Nimmo has connected the involvement of George Soros and US political energy interests with the destabilization. The Davos rejection may be less about protester deaths and more likely about Ukraine’s refusal to work with the IMF and it’s energy deals with Russia.

See more on this conflagration...

Davos Men Disinvite Ukrainiran PM As Violence Rages in Kiev
By Kurt Nimmo | Infowars

[...]Vitali Klitschko, aka Dr. Ironfist, a former professional boxer and the leader of the street protests and the political party Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform (UDAR), reportedly went to meet with Yanukovych early Thursday afternoon.

UDAR works closely with PBN, a strategic communications firm based in Russia and Ukraine. PBN merged with propaganda specialist Hill+Knowlton Strategies last year. The company is infamous for its work with the Kuwaiti government and the “Nurse Nayirah” scam used as part of the propaganda effort in the lead-up to first invasion of Iraq.

Alexander Savchenko, writing for the Strategic Culture Foundation, says PBN’s “Ukrainian office is headed by American citizen Myron Wasylyk, a former State Department employee, member of the supervisory board of the U.S.-intelligence-linked Eurasia Foundation, and member of the supervisory board of the International Center for Policy Studies, founded on the money of George Soros.”

“Wasylyk’s past is revealing in that he has worked for the US Departments of State and the Interior,” writes Andy Rowell for Spinwatch, “and the Republican National Committee. For the Republicans, Wasylyk worked on the election campaigns of former U.S. presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush senior.”

The center contributed to a free trade zone draft agreement between Ukraine and the EU, the rejection of which led to the current protests and the violence in the streets of Kiev.

PBN is responsible for hooking the former boxer and groomed future leader of Ukraine up with the State Department, the White House, Congress and, importantly, the National Security Council. “It was this company that introduced Klitschko to Senator John McCain, as well as a number of State Department and National Security Council officials who react especially nervously to everything connected with Russia,” Savchenko writes.

In December, McCain warned the U.S. would take “concrete action” against Ukraine if the country’s government signed an energy deal with Russia. He traveled to Kiev and addressed the demonstrators. “Ukraine will make Europe better and Europe will make Ukraine better,” he said. “We are here to support your just cause, the sovereign right of Ukraine to determine its own destiny freely and independently. And the destiny you seek lies in Europe.”


As Wayne Madsen noted earlier this week, the connections to USAID, NED and George Soros Open Society Institute have gone “virtually unnoticed in the English language Western media” as the street demonstrations in Kiev intensify and are now resulting in deaths that will be used as fodder to attack the Yanukovych government and set the stage for the ascension of the groomed puppet Vitali Klitschko.

The Davos Men are not particularly concerned with the death of protesters. The silencing of Mykola Azarov has more to do with Ukraine’s refusal to do business with the IMF and Russia’s offer in December to extend $15 billion in loans to the country and reduce the price of gas to $268.50 per 1,000 cubic meters, from the current $395 to $410, a move that would save Ukraine about $2 billion a year.

The IMF had demanded its standard round of “reforms” in Ukraine, including “some tough austerity measures,” as the New York Times described it back in December. The IMF terms included increases in household utility rates and limits on government spending.

Prior Yanukovych’s turn toward Russia, the IMF, the World Bank and other bankster institutions, including the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, were salivating over the prospect of a “free-trade agreement” between Ukraine and the European Union.

After the agreement collapsed, the street protests began, and the corporate media announced that the Ukrainian people overwhelmingly support the deal with the EU and the banksters.

Read the full article at:

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