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Umpqua Shooter Harper-Mercer Left Note: Wanted to “Be Embraced By the Devil” and “Welcomed in Hell”
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Umpqua Shooter Harper-Mercer Left Note: Wanted to “Be Embraced By the Devil” and “Welcomed in Hell”

Has the media come out against left-hand path occultists who worship the devil yet? No, they continue to blame gun toting conservative "White-supremacists" for this one.

Umpqua Shooter was identified as Chris Harper Mercer last night. Chris Mercer killed 9 people before being shot by police.

Chris Harper Mercer was an atheist. (MySpace Image) The profile contains several Irish Revolutionary Army images (WTH?)

Harper-Mercer targeted Christians during his shooting rampage.

In a Facebook post he’s trolling for hookers—

Chris Harper-Mercer left a note for police.
He wanted to be “embraced by the devil” and “welcomed in hell.”

NBC reported:
The heavily armed gunman who slaughtered nine people at an Oregon college left a hate-filled note at the scene of his rampage and “felt the world was against him,” law enforcement officials confirmed Friday.

Two officials familiar with the contents of the note say 26-year-old Christopher Harper Mercer, who was killed in a firefight Thursday with police at Umpqua Community College, wrote that he would be “welcomed in Hell and embraced by the devil.”

He wrote that he was “in a bad way,” one official said. “He was depressed, sullen.”

The officials said Mercer lamented the fact that he did not have a girlfriend. “He said he had no life,” another official said, adding: “He felt the world was against him.”


Editor's note: As we reported yesterday: the media can have you believe anything. Despite that the shooter was mixed race and into left-hand path magick and occultism, the Guardian, reported that he had an "obsession with nazis" because he had the screen name "ironcross45," on the dating site Spiritual Passions.

He also had the screen name "lithum_love" on Kickass Torrents, but despite this there was no accusation of an "obsession with drugs." Funny that.

We saw yet another example of how quickly the media tries to put blame gun owners, conservatives, White supremacists and nazis. Despite that there are probably ten or fifteen other groups that you could place the shooter in. This doesn't happen, because there is only one narrative that trumps them all and that is the anti-White narrative:

They don't know how to do anything else, they take every opportunity to blame White people, collectively for all problems in the world.


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