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Unite the Right 2 Couldn’t Have Been Better
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Unite the Right 2 Couldn’t Have Been Better


I feared the worst, but I am glad that I was wrong. Jason Kessler’s Unite the Right 2 rally outside the White House on Sunday, August 12th, was a triumph. It was still a highly risky, even foolhardy venture, and I would not have done it. But luckily, it ended up being good for white identity politics.

But wait a second. Only about 25 to 30 people took part in the protest, yet there were thousands of screaming counter-protesters on hand. How is that a triumph?

Because such events are not, primarily, battles between the people who show up. Rather, they are battles for the public mind. And Unite the Right 2 offered some highly edifying contrasts, which we should publicize as best we can through alternative and social media.

The Unite the Right 2 marchers were peaceful and mostly presentable. The counter-protesters were a rabble of violent freaks who assaulted police and journalists.

The Unite the Right 2 message was eminently reasonable: a protest of the unjust treatment of Unite the Right 1 by the Charlottesville and Virgina state governments and the international lying media. The counter-protesters, however, were mostly Communists and other extreme Leftists, whose chant “No borders, no wall, no USA at all” is an open declaration of war on the very existence of America.

Please read Greg Johnson’s entire article at Counter-Currents.


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