Western Psychodrama Over Putin Only Pushes World Affairs Further Off Grid
Source: 21stcenturywire.com
As ever, the Western World Order is working overtime to characterize Russia’s current president as their latest version of Blofeld, but for some reason it’s back-firing badly.
Unfortunately for them, no one is listening – because the voting public are no longer interested. The West’s naked political and corporate hubris over the Ukraine and Crimea is turning into another nail in the coffin of Western democracy.
Predictable American Moaning
Daniel Henninger,an op-ed writer for Rupert Murdoch’s new propaganda toy the Wall Street Journal on March 19th, called the US and European ‘non-reaction’ to Russia’s Vladimir Putin “a Wonderland”. He packed so many vitriolic one-liners into his short article that we can admire his ability to cut-and-paste them from the works of great seminal thinkers of our age like Senator John McCain. He claimed that “The solitary but thrilling world of Vladimir Putin’s mind is the one inhabited by the Assads, Saddams, bin Ladens, Kims, Gaddafis and Khomeinis of the world, and when it really runs out of control, or is allowed to (it becomes)…. a Stalin, Hitler, or Mao.”
This is the level of conversation the establishment to attempting to lay down over western minds.
‘Putin is a Bad Man, because he is a mad man’
Henninger says this can push world affairs “off the grid”. Defenders of the ever-shrinking International Community (let’s just call it the ‘I.C.’), in their present new crusade to fight Putin – do not include India, China, Brazil and other tepid on-again, off-again members of the downsized I.C.
Devoid of any real depth and analysis of actual events in the Ukraine and Crimea, herd psychology seems to be pushing hardcore I.C. defenders to vigorously work the theme that Vladimir Putin is… just plain crazy. US Vice President Joe Biden told Poland’s leaders on Monday March 17th that Mr. Putin’s seizure of Crimea was “flawed logic”, while Prime Minister David Cameron has called it a ‘war crime’.
Other members of the fatigued and weakened I.C. are attempting to paint a Dorian Gray picture of Putin which illustrates the horror of a person totally divorced from the I.C.’s world of rational affairs, unable to face reality, and oblivious to what paid-in Community members might think. Elementary, as he probably doesn’t care what they think!
Defenders of the I.C. now ask: how long will it take before Putin’s horror picture mutates into a new Stalin, Hitler or Mao (or Bush)?
Do not underestimate this kind of propaganda deployed in the West, because it works. It’s still extremely effective in brainwashing the general public, along with many mainstream journalists and elected representatives, only it masks the cold reality that, at this precise moment in history, even Kim Jung-un appears more rational, intellectual and pragmatic – than those in Washington, London and Brussels who are driving their electorate towards a new corporate-led arms race and energy/resource war.
Read the full article at: 21stcenturywire.com
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