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Whites Ordered to Back of Crowd at Black DNC March
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Whites Ordered to Back of Crowd at Black DNC March


The organizer of a “Black DNC Resistance March” in Philadelphia Tuesday demanded white supporters and “white media” move to back of the crowd.

“White media get to the back!” the speaker demands. “Black media come to the front!”

“Wasn’t it wrong when Rosa Parks was sent to the back for the color of her skin?” one woman can be heard saying.

The organizer then handed out signs with the names of black shooting victims to those standing in the front of the crowd.

According to NBC reporter Shaquille Brewster, the group reportedly plans to march on City Hall in protest of the Democratic Party’s failure to focus on issues facing the black community.

Communists, Anarchists, Black Lives Matter supporters and groups opposed to “police terrorism” were also in attendance, several of whom temporarily blocking traffic.

At one point during the rally alleged members of the media were even forced out after they were accused of being undercover FBI agents.


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