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Cosmic Origins of the Holy Grail & Cycles of Catastrophe

Randall Carlson is a professional designer and builder, student of Sacred Geometry and a long time Freemason. Randall Carlson is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution. Randall emphasizes the cyclical nature of time and the periodic catastrophes responsible for the collective amnesia of our species. He returns to discuss Sangreal, The Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity, the connection to cyclical catastrophe and the onset of ice ages and warming periods in Earth's history. We'll discuss comets and panspermia. In the second hour, we speak more about grail symbolism and the mysterious red rain that came down over Kerala in India in 2001. We also talk about alchemical art and the plagues of Egypt as environmental catastrophic events. Later, Randall discusses "carbon madness" and the global warming hysteria from a perspective of larger long-term climactic cycles. We briefly touch upon free market environmentalism and other options that do not entail more government control but encourages environmental responsibility.

Relevant Links
Sangreal, The Holy Grail
Oort cloud
Kuiper belt
Diseases from space
Tut's gem hints at space impact
Heinrich event
Holocene Impact Working Group
Gunung Padang Megalithic Site
Kuiper belt
Wounded healer
The Extraordinary Tale of Red Rain, Comets and Extraterrestrials
Red rain in Kerala
Digging for the truth at Gunung Padang
The Case of the Missing Carbon
Missing carbon mystery: Case solved?
Free-market environmentalism
The Great European Rip-off: How the Corrupt, Wasteful EU is Taking Control of Our Lives

Books or Other Material

Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe DVD Preview

More from Guest(s) / Speaker(s)

Cosmic Patterns & Sacred ArchitectureCycles of Catastrophe & Cosmic Patterns


Evolution OST - The Meteor


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Henrik Palmgren

Henrik Palmgren was born in Götaland, Sweden, the land of the Goths. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Red Ice, founded in 2003. Henrik is most known as the host of Red Ice Radio and produces all the video content on Red Ice, including most of the music, graphics and animations. He also offers his commentary on current events in Red Ice TV’s livestream show on Saturdays. Henrik is most concerned with European heritage, culture and counter acting the global internationalists. @Henrik_Palmgren


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