Red Ice Radio

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Money, Magic and Words

Alan Watt, from Cutting Through the Matrix, is back to talk about money and the financial system, the occult and esoteric aspects of money as a "magical" concept: to create something out of nothing. We also discuss language, words, their roots and origins. Do you spell words or do they put a spell on you?

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European Union & The World EmpireNorth American Union, Police Provocateurs & Staged RiotsFuture Studies, Collectivism & Culture of DeathSurveillance, The Control Grid, Spirituality & The Earth MatrixBilderberg, Elites & The NavigatorsVirginia Tech Shooting & UFO's/Fake Alien ThreatAfrica, Resources, Oppression, The Elite & Population ExterminationColonization, Mayflower and Fertility Rites & The Templars, The Maya, The VaticanSocialism, Communism, the Revolutionary Movement & The Science of Life


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Henrik Palmgren

Henrik Palmgren was born in Götaland, Sweden, the land of the Goths. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Red Ice, founded in 2003. Henrik is most known as the host of Red Ice Radio and produces all the video content on Red Ice, including most of the music, graphics and animations. He also offers his commentary on current events in Red Ice TV’s livestream show on Saturdays. Henrik is most concerned with European heritage, culture and counter acting the global internationalists. @Henrik_Palmgren


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