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The Future is the Past


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The Mystery of the Sphinx, Forgotten Civilization & Catastrophic Solar Outbursts

Robert Schoch, a full-time faculty member at the College of General Studies at Boston University since 1984, earned his Ph.D. in Geology and Geophysics at Yale University. In the early 1990s, Dr. Schoch’s geological analyses of the Great Sphinx of Egypt demonstrated that the statue is thousands of years older than the conventional dating of 2500 BCE, bringing him worldwide fame. In his new book Forgotten Civilization Robert reveals scientific evidence of advanced civilization predating ancient Egypt, Sumeria, and Greece, as well as the catastrophe that destroyed it nearly 12,000 years ago and what its legacy can teach us about our own future. In the first hour we discuss the weathering of the Sphinx, its origin, the chamber underneath and the mysterious Sphinx temple. We also discuss Edgar Cayce' s Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE) and the current situation in Egypt. In the second hour with Robert Schoch we continue to talk about his new book Forgotten civilization. Combining evidence from multiple scientific disciplines, Schoch shows how the last ice age ended abruptly in 9700 BCE due to coronal mass ejections from the Sun. These solar outbursts unleashed electrical/plasma discharges upon Earth and triggered volcanic activity, earthquakes, fires, and massive floods as glaciers melted and lightning strikes released torrential rains from the oceans. He explains how these events eradi¬cated the civilization of the time and set humanity back thousands of years, only to reemerge around 3500 BCE with scattered memories and nascent abilities. He explores how, within this framework, many megalithic monuments, underground cities, and ancient legends fall logically into place, as well as the reinterpreted Easter Island rong¬orongo texts and the intentional burial, 10,000 years ago, of the Göbekli Tepe complex in Turkey. Schoch reveals scientific evidence that shows how history could repeat itself with a coronal mass ejection powerful enough to devastate modern society.

Relevant Links
The Yuga Cycle of the Ages & Our Awakening Consciousness
Buddhas of Bamiyan
Solar storm of 1859
Sunspots more active than for 8000 years
Turkey's Göbekli Tepe - Roberts Photos
Göbekli Tepe in Turkey: A 12,000-year-old Temple Complex
Massive European network of Stone Age tunnels that weaves from Scotland to Turkey

Books or Other Material

Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future

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Henrik Palmgren

Henrik Palmgren was born in Götaland, Sweden, the land of the Goths. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Red Ice, founded in 2003. Henrik is most known as the host of Red Ice Radio and produces all the video content on Red Ice, including most of the music, graphics and animations. He also offers his commentary on current events in Red Ice TV’s livestream show on Saturdays. Henrik is most concerned with European heritage, culture and counter acting the global internationalists. @Henrik_Palmgren


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