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For Members

Will the Uproar Beat the Crackdown?

Christopher Moors from is back with a special guest, Shabda Noor. We begin talking about Shabda, his background and his spiritual journey. Shabda lived in Osho's commune in India and later moved to Oregon, USA. He shares about his time in the commune. Some of the leaders in the commune turned fascist (not Osho) and the US government later crushed it. Shabda correlates how this story of the commune is a small scale of what is happening now on a national level in the US. For members, we begin discussing the difficulties of waking people up and helping them unplug from the Matrix. Why is it that some people choose to stay in oblivion, or is this always the case? How can we break free from the hypnosis? Later on we talk about time speeding up, 2012, the Illuminati, the Internet, big media, silence, meditation and how we can stay more connected with our awareness.

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The Zen Eye of the HurricaneThe Key to the KingdomPast Lives and Previous CivilizationsThe Kabala & Spiritual TeachingsZen and the SoulThe Cosmic JugularCreative Cosmos


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Henrik Palmgren

Henrik Palmgren was born in Götaland, Sweden, the land of the Goths. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Red Ice, founded in 2003. Henrik is most known as the host of Red Ice Radio and produces all the video content on Red Ice, including most of the music, graphics and animations. He also offers his commentary on current events in Red Ice TV’s livestream show on Saturdays. Henrik is most concerned with European heritage, culture and counter acting the global internationalists. @Henrik_Palmgren


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