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Flashback Friday - Ep3 - YouTube Strikes & Birthright Citizenship

In this third episode of Flashback Friday we discuss the recent slew of YouTube strikes that was dished out against channels on the right. We talk about Trump's aspiration to end birthright citizenship. We talk about birth tourism and how differently the left reacts to Russian vs. Chinese and Central American tourism who come to give birth in America.

Later we discuss the attacks on congressman Steve King and Samantha Bee's association of the word "Globalist" to "anti-semitism." We look at project Veritas expose of Gillum staffers in Florida and Beto O'Rourke campaign staffers in Texas, one being racist towards Whites and the other illegally spending campaign funds to help caravan migrants. We end with discussing the fraud Jacob Wohl, a "right-wing" trap the left uses to discredit conservative media outlets.

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