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2012 London Paralympics Closing Ceremony Symbolism
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2012 London Paralympics Closing Ceremony Symbolism


The 2012 Paralympics just concluded and they posted the entire closing ceremony on Youtube, which is a surprising move since trying to catch any of the 2012 Olympic Games was practically impossible.

I didn’t watch the entire two and a half hour presentation, but I did catch a good portion of it. So if there’s anything I missed feel free to sound off. Here goes:

First off, the symbol for the 2012 Paralympic Games consists of three swooshes. The swooshes (just like the Nike swoosh) are symbolic of the rings of Saturn. As I’ve noted before, the Saturn worship goes back to the ancient secret societies (as explained by David Icke, et. al.) and we can see the Saturn symbolism everywhere in corporate logos.

And then of course we have the standard illuminated apex of the countless pyramids around the stadium; as seen on the Olympic Games.

Next we have this worship of a Pagan looking deity of sorts. Looks like the Green Man with its vegetative growth symbolizing Spring. It also has the serpent double-helix thing coming out of its mouth, so perhaps its a mixed form of serpent-Pagan worship? Who knows.

The next weird image is of this circle of symbols. They continuously dance and march around it, constantly drawing our attention to it. As the old saying goes, “energy flows where attention goes,” so this is the reason for all of this symbolism; energy attraction.

I’m not sure what the symbols are, they have crop circle like qualities. There’s eight of them, but they appear like astrological signs. I’ll keep digging on this and update the post later if I can find it. Leave a comment if you recognize any of them.

Then there are the slew of other subtle symbols.

Like horses of the apocalypse (I also saw a white horse floating around, ‘Behold a Pale Horse’):


Read the full article at:

RIC Editor Note: The symbol is apparently a magical stave, or magical sign, from an Icelandic grimoire.

Signs and staves can be found in Icelandic grimoires, some from the 17th century. The origin of this peculiar Icelandic magic is difficult to ascertain. Some signs seem to be derived from medieval mysticism and renaissance occultism, while others show some relation to runic culture and the old Germanic belief in Thor and Odinn.

Much of the magic mentioned in court records can be found in grimoires kept in various manuscript collections. The purpose of the magic involved tells us something of the concerns of the lower classes that used them to lessen the burden of subsidence living in a harsh climate.

Hulinhjalmur is a magical sign to make yourself invisible. An invisible boy is on display at the Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft, after using this method.

Source: Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft


London 2012 Paralympic Games Closing Ceremony


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