5 Key Questions That Were Not Asked During Trial of ‘Boston Bomber’ Dzhokhar
Source: 21stcenturywire.com
Jurors in the trial of 21 year old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are hoping to return a verdict on Wednesday, following weeks of testimony in the Boston Marathon bombing trial.
Tsarnaev faces either life in prison or the death penalty.
Here are five stunning questions that were not asked during this historic trial in Massachusetts…
5. Was older brother Tamerlan working as an informant for the FBI?
Ever since the two Tsarnaev brothers were announced by the FBI as their “prime suspects” in the Boston Marathon Bombing, every major US media network and government agency assumed that they were guilty – based solely a single photograph and a series of still photos created to look like CCTV footage, purporting to place them at the scene of the main event. Despite a wall of denial and evasion, some smarter elements of the media discovered that not only did the FBI know who BOTH brothers were, but elder brother Tamerlanhad already been recruited by the agency as an informant years before the Boston Bombing (his file is likely classified, meaning the public will not allowed to know the whole story), and although he is not live to tell his side of the story – he was most likely working for either the FBI or another agency in that capacity. This explains why Tamerlan traveled overseas in the summer of 2012 to attend the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus – an event that was organized by the Jamestown Foundation – a well-known CIA front, which is part of a vast network “controlled by Freedom House (George Soros) and linked to the CIA”, as explained in detail by Voltaire Network. Former British diplomat and intelligence analyst Craig Murray has also weighed-in with a similar conclusion.
One year ago, defense attorneys for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev spoke about how the FBI attempted to recruit his older brother Tamerlan to spy on Muslims and the Chechen community in the city, which began prompting some journalists in the US to ask how well the FBI knew the Tsarnaevs and whether or not the FBI could have prevented the bombings taking place. Something happened between now and then whereby the defense appears to have completely ‘thrown in the towel’, as it wear. Federal District Court Judge George O’Toole intervened early on to limit testimony showing any connection that Tamerlan manipulated Dzhokhar into participating in the ‘bomb plot’. Oddly, the defense team, led by Judy Clarke, were quick to proclaim their client’s guilt and did not cross-examine any victims, and only called four witnesses – before resting their case. It’s as if they wanted this to be over with as quickly as possible. According to the Huff Post, “Securing a life sentence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev [and not maintaining any innocence] has been seen as the defense team’s overriding goal.” Killing two birds with one stone, Clarke also threw Dzhokhar’s dead brother Tamerlan under the bus in order to reinforce the official narrative. “We don’t deny that Dzhokhar fully participated in the events, but if it were not for Tamerlan, it would not have happened,” said Clarke during closing arguments. Unfortunately for him, Tamerlan was never afforded any due process – and in the eyes of Judy Clarke and the federal prosecution - was always assumed guilty.
The FBI knew who Tamerlan was long before the said crime took place. This fact alone should cast doubt upon the entire official narrative of the events on April 15, 2013.
4. Why were Craft International mercenaries active at the finish line, and did one of them place a backpack on the ground just before the bomb went off?
Initially the FBI made a public plea for any photographs from bystanders to help them locate the perpetrators. What followed was a flood of photographs, many of them posted up on the popular hacking forum 4Chan. These photos would have shocked anyone who saw them, only they were completely blacked-out by the US mainstream media – as if they did not exist. They clearly depicted multiple mercenaries, some of whom wore the insignia for Craft International, a private mercenary and special ops agency based in Dallas, Texas. Some photos even detailed a backpack left on the ground by one of the operatives depicted in the photos. Almost immediately after the 4Chan photo dump surfaced online, the FBI staged a press conference to tell the public not to look at any other photos and declared that ‘no other suspects should be considered’ – except for two brand new faces, those of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. An FBI spokesperson then went on national TV to insist that, ‘these two are the only suspects we are looking for now.’ The FBI claimed they did not know the names of the two men, or that they were even brothers, and then proceeded to ask the general public for ‘any information relating to these two new faces.’
Taking these facts into account, along with multiple live terror drills that were taking place that same day along the Boston Marathon, jurors may have drawn a completely different conclusion to the prepackaged narrative which was presented to them by both the prosecution and the defense.
Read the rest: 21stcenturywire.com