Batman Shooting Happens Weeks Before UN Gun Control Treaty

This Colorado massacre has “Problem Reaction Solution” written all over it, and during a New World Order Batman movie no less. This criminal event gives the politicians like Obama and Clinton the talking point as to why guns are bad for America and what their solution is to solve this problem from happening again. It is all clearly staged to finally gut our last vestiges of freedom in this country.
The globalists are saying no, that this UN Small Arms Treaty will not take away American’s guns but would only regulate international trade of firearms, but this is simply not true at all;
Opposition to the treaty and defense of the Second Amendment “are not only inflammatory, they are completely unfounded,” the premier globalist organization asserts. Stewart M. Patrick, writing for “The Internationalist,” a blog on the CFR website, argues that the treaty does not endanger the Second Amendment and the sovereignty of the United States.
“The treaty is limited to the international trade of conventional arms, which pertains to the buying, selling, transshipping, transferring, or loaning across borders,” Patrick writes. Instead of endangering the Second Amendment and the right to own firearms, “the treaty is primarily aimed at countries in which rigorous controls and oversight are absent, in an attempt to harmonize and coordinate standards worldwide.”
The CFR steers our attention to a March, 2012, document produced by the United Nations General Assembly stating that the treaty will “Prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit transfer, illicit production and illicit brokering of conventional arms and their diversion into the illicit market, including for use in transnational organized crime and terrorism” and does not impose restrictions on firearm ownership in the United States.
In fact, the treaty would have a significant impact not only on the ownership of firearms, but also national sovereignty.
Earlier this month, Larry Bell of Forbes spelled out the dangers of the ATT, specifically: the globalist treaty will force strict licensing requirements for firearms ownership; create an international gun registry; and mandate that all “unauthorized” firearms (including semi-automatic “assault” rifles) be confiscated and destroyed.
“In short, overriding our national sovereignty, and in the process, providing license for the federal government to assert preemptive powers over state regulatory powers guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment in addition to our Second Amendment rights,” Bell warns.
Here’s the bottom line; This Treaty is a Trojan horse that will literally take all guns away from the American people, this Arms Trade Treaty would possess equal authority to any U.S. law, including the Constitution itself. Giving the federal government power to legally usurp all gun rights from Americans.
“The bottom line is that international gun banners want every gun – every single gun worldwide – to be under U.N. and government control,” “And that includes your rifle, your shotgun, your handgun, and even family heirlooms that have been handed down from generation to generation,” said the National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre.
Violent gun confiscation is just around the corner, the police in tandem with the military and foreign troops will come and confiscate guns after Obama has signed this Gun Control Treaty, possibly in October.