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Belgian Political Leader Predicts European Civil War Is Near, as Governments Are Losing Control
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Belgian Political Leader Predicts European Civil War Is Near, as Governments Are Losing Control

6 Source:

A leading member of the Belgian right-wing party, Vlaams Belang, said we could be close to a civil war in Europe. “Lynching, violence and vandalism, the urban guerrilla is portentous,” Filip Dewinter writes on Twitter.

The leading member of Vlaams Belang, reacted on twitter to the French World Cup riots, during which shops were looted, police were attacked and hundreds were injured.

In his tweet he added footage of a white man being ambushed by several migrants.

“I think the tensions will only increase,” Dewinter tells Belgian news outlet Sceptr. “What we see is a sort of ethnic underside of society, people who aren’t raised well and who know nothing else other than rioting, violence and vandalism.”

“We have reached a pre-revolutionary condition in which people separate themselves from society into gangs motivated by radical Islam,” Dewinter says.

According to Dewinter the intent behind the attacks is as follows. Attacks on the police are attacks on the state’s authority and attacks on shops are attacks on white culture.

“This form of violence can lead to a civil war if governments lose control and white people revolt.” He adds: “This situation is closer than we think, it could erupt really quickly and large cities will be the battlefields.”

Dewinter says “Complete neighbourhoods are already beyond control of the government and the police because Islamic cultural structures have overtaken them”.

There will be a point in time where this ethnic violence will be large-scale then there won’t be much needed for the situation to explode.


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