California Rabbi Calls on Amazon to Cease Selling Books on Holocaust Denial

A Sacramento rabbi has called on Amazon to ban the sale of books promoting Holocaust denial, CBS Sacramento reported on Friday.
“Blatant anti-Semitism,” said Sacramento Rabbi Mendy Cohen, according to the report. “To deny the Holocaust is another mask of blatant anti-Semitism.”
Among the books for sale to Amazon customers are titles such as Did Six Million Die? The Truth at Last and The Myth of the Extermination of the Jews. The latter title is only available for Amazon’s Kindle device.
The company joined Sears, Walmart and other major American retailers in banning items with the Confederate flag last week, supporting efforts nationwide following the deadly church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina last month that left nine worshipers dead.
But Amazon has come under fire by Jewish groups for continuing to sell items with Nazi symbols and Holocaust denial. Additionally, Hamas pendants and flags remain available on the retail site.