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Russian State Media: 'Holodomor Never Happened, Holocaust Denial Should be Illegal' - Non-Aligned Media
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Russian State Media: 'Holodomor Never Happened, Holocaust Denial Should be Illegal' - Non-Aligned Media

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Welcome to the wacky, and increasingly maniacal, world of Kremlin double think. When Vladimir Putin passed a law in 2014 proscribing “Holocaust denial” and “Nazi revisionist tactics,” the ex-KGB thug’s controlled media shamelessly announced the new thought control measures as if it were a great victory.

Here is one article from Sputnik News (formerly Voice of Russia) – an agency “wholly owned and operated by the Russian government, which was created by a Decree of the President of Russia on December 9, 2013″ – announcing the passing of the new law.

Here is some of the unrestrained Kremlin blather that passes itself off as legitimate news commentary in that pro-censorship article:

The passing of the [Holocaust denial] law shortly before the May 9th Victory Day celebrations (a bittersweet day when Russians remember the tens of millions who fell fighting the scourge of nazi Germany and joyfully celebrate the victory of Russia, the Red Army and the USSR over the nazi fascists) and against the backdrop of the events in Ukraine (where the US installed and backed fascist junta has mobilized the army and is employing armed paramilitary nazi Right Sector extremists to engage in what can only be described as a nazi “war of extermination” against those who refuse to be ruled by the degenerate followers of nazi SS stooge Stephan Bandera and grant legitimacy to the junta which violently overthrew the democratically elected government in February) has received a lot of attention worldwide, in particular with nazi glorifiers, white supremacists and Jewish groups.

Here is another Sputnik article from 2008, proudly reporting on a Russian senator’s call for Russia and Israel to “join forces to fight against Holocaust denial theories and attempts to glorify Nazism.”


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