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Canada First: Pro-Trump Nationalist Faith Goldy Running for Toronto Mayor
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Canada First: Pro-Trump Nationalist Faith Goldy Running for Toronto Mayor


Opposes open borders, political correctness

Border control advocate Faith Goldy is seeking the position of Toronto mayor.

The Trump-supporting candidate was photographed by the Toronto Sun’s Joe Warmington waiting in line to submit her registration papers.

In a statement issued to journalist J.J. McCullough, Goldy noted her candidacy will be rooted in making Toronto safe again.

“My city has become unrecognizable to me, every day a new headline about a shooting, stabbing, or mass shooting,” Goldy wrote. “The sad fact of the matter is: Crime has sky-rocketed and it’s done so on Weak John Tory’s watch! He’s caved to special interest groups and the result is that he’s sacrificing our city’s young on the [altar] of political correctness.”

Goldy, a former reporter for the Rebel Media news outlet, has condemned the globalist open border agenda and is frequently critical of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on social media.

By Friday afternoon, many were noticing leftist opponent Jennifer Keesmaat was trending on Twitter, despite stats showing more tweets were mentioning Goldy’s name.

Toronto’s mayoral election will take place October 22, 2018.



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