Chinese Multimillionaire Sells ’Canned Air’ to Residents of Smog-Choked Beijing
Move over air filters and micro particle filtering masks. Beijing residents now have another option for fresh, clean air. All they need to do is unseal these cans, and a waft of unpolluted air will be instantly available.Chen Guangbiao, Chinese multimillionaire says:
"Nothing I do is for fame or for personal benefit. I just want to use the years I have left in my life to tell more people to protect the environment, to be good people, have good hearts and do good deeds."
Chen says the canned air comes from less polluted, rural areas like the Tibetan Plateau and northern Shaanxi province. Each pop of fresh air will set you back 45 yuan, or about $7. Chen says he will donate 80c back to the rural regions.