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Donald Trump Challenges Jeff Sessions: ‘Where Is Our Justice Department’ on Hillary Clinton?
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Donald Trump Challenges Jeff Sessions: ‘Where Is Our Justice Department’ on Hillary Clinton?

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President Donald Trump signaled frustration with the Justice Department’s falure to respond to the ongoing scandals involving the Clinton family, the DNC, the FBI, and the “phony” Russian sourced dossier.

“A lot of people are disappointed in the Justice Department, including me,” Trump told reporters at the White House on Friday morning before leaving for his trip to Asia.

Trump said that the Justice Department should be investigating Democrats and the Clintons, sharing several oberservations on Twitter.

“This is real collusion and dishonesty,” Trump wrote on Twitter Thursday night, responding to Donna Brazile’s revelation that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was controlling DNC operations and fundraising well before winning her primary.

“Major violation of Campaign Finance Laws and Money Laundering – where is our Justice Department?” Trump wondered.

The president appears unhappy with Attorney General Jeff Sessions failure to investigate the Clintons, despite recent revelations about their “crooked” behavior.

Trump said he thought Clinton’s “deleted E-mails, Uranium, Podesta, the Server, plus, plus…” all deserved closer scrutiny.

“People are angry,” Trump continued on Twitter. “At some point the Justice Department, and the FBI, must do what is right and proper. The American public deserves it!”

Trump also spoked about his frustration with the Justice Department in an interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham.

“The saddest thing is because I’m the President of the United States, I’m not supposed to be involved in the Justice Department, I am not supposed to be involved in the FBI,” Trump said. “I’m not supposed to be doing the kinds of things I would love to be doing and I’m very frustrated by it.”

Trump indicated that he wanted the Justice Department to investigate the Clintons.

“I look at what’s going on with the Justice Department, well, why aren’t thy going after Hillary Clinton with her emails and dossier?” he asked. “It’s very discouraging to me. To be honest, I’m very unhappy about it.”

Trump signaled frustration with Attorney General Jeff Sessions for failing to target the Clintons.

“Everybody is asking why the Justice Department (and FBI) isn’t looking into all of the dishonesty going on with Crooked Hillary & the Dems,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

The president, however, appeared to be aware that he could not order the Justice Department to investigate.

“As a president, you’re not supposed to be involved in that process,” he admitted to Ingraham. “But hopefully are doing something. At some point, maybe we’re going to have it out.”




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