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France: Police Catch 73-Year-Old Jewish Man Spray-Painting the Word “Jew” on 20 Cars
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France: Police Catch 73-Year-Old Jewish Man Spray-Painting the Word “Jew” on 20 Cars


A sexagenarian was caught Monday (in Paris, France) trying to tag the word "Jew" on vehicles of the 16th district. The man and his wife, Jewish, had filed a handrail in July and August following a complaint about anti-Semitic discovered in their building.

Paris: It would have tagged the word "Jew" on cars ... to change HLM

The police had strong suspicions that have a priori confirmed. Monday around 16 pm, a man was caught trying to write the word "Jew" on parked vehicles avenue du General-Clavery avenue Dode de la Brunerie in the 16th district. Twenty cars have been tagged. "The police handcuffed him, and they shipped. 'Me, I said, but he is crazy for doing this'. An official said, 'No, and besides, he claims his gesture', "said one witness MetroNews.

The suspect was taken into custody in stride. This sexagenarian named Pierre B. was already known to police, not as a suspect but as a victim. Last summer, he would indeed twice visited the police station of the 16th district to denounce anti-Semitic remarks.

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