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HAARP Creates Artificial Aurora, Lights Up The Sky
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HAARP Creates Artificial Aurora, Lights Up The Sky

By Henrik Palmgren |

Sources are reporting that the US Naval Research Laboratory, and engineers from the Plasma Physics Division, have used HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)array to create an artificial version of an aurora borealis "that can be used to explore ionospheric occurrences and their impact on communications, navigation and space weather".

Using the powerful HAARP transmitter in Gakona, Alaska, the lab produced what they called a "sustained high density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere". This cloud apparently glowed green, and was clearly visible to the naked eye.

This, and other research, is sponsored by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).

For those concerned about such undisclosed projects being run in the Earth’s ionosphere, this news comes as a disturbing verification of the power and abilities of HAARP. These advances might be leaps towards the weaponization and control of our own environment.

LaboratoryEquipment reports:

"Previous artificial plasma density clouds have lifetimes of only ten minutes or less," says Paul Bernhardt, NRL Space Use and Plasma Section. "This higher density plasma ’ball’ was sustained over one hour by the HAARP transmissions and was extinguished only after termination of the HAARP radio beam."

Some researchers warn that such technologies might be used by militaries or governments to influence and control a population by terrifying or otherwise influencing the public through displays in the sky, such as in Project Blue Beam. Other investigators speculate that developments in mind control technologies could stem from this type of research, and we the public must be mindful of the ethical issues of mental and geophysical manipulation. Other possibilities for undisclosed instances of this type of technology include unexplained mass bird deaths, abnormal hurricane and weather behaviour, and the 2009 Norway Spiral anomaly.

By Elizabeth Leafloor , Red Ice Creations

Sequence of images of the glow plasma discharge produced with transmissions at the third electron gyro harmonic using the HAARP HF transmitter, Gakona, Alaska. (

Norwegian spiral anomaly of 2009

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Nick Begich - Hour 1 - Controlling the Human Mind

Nick Begich - HAARP & Weather Manipulation

Freeman - Space War, the Norway Spiral, CARE, CERN, HAARP & EISCAT

John Hall - Satellite Terrorism, Surveillance Technology, Implantable Microchips & Biometric ID Cards

Richard C. Hoagland - Hour 1 - Chichen Itza Torsion Field Measurements on Dec 21st 2012


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