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How Phony Coronavirus “Fear Videos” Were Used as Psychological Weapons to Bring America to Her Knees
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How Phony Coronavirus “Fear Videos” Were Used as Psychological Weapons to Bring America to Her Knees


If you were online during January 2020 you likely saw the barrage of video clips that were supposedly coming out of China depicting ghastly “Coronavirus” scenes.

Most of those videos have been quietly wiped off the internet, but back in January and February those grisly videos were a viral sensation and they scared the sense out of Americans.

The videos captured supposed Coronavirus victims in various stages of pandemic horror. Some showed people foaming at the mouth and collapsing in the streets, while others featured ominous government officials wearing Hazmat suits, hovering over lifeless bodies struck down from the virus.

It was a virtual buffet of fear-porn, and Americans couldn’t get enough of it.

Personally, I saw hundreds of those videos. The comments from people sharing the clips would range from sarcastic “Just the flu” type stuff — intended to mock and shame anyone who tried to downplay the seriousness of the virus — to wild conspiracy theories claiming Coronavirus caused brain swelling, spontaneous convulsions, and instant death.

It was some of the most powerful video propaganda I’ve ever witnessed.

Imagine being a soccer mom and logging onto Facebook and seeing your sister-in-law’s post of a Chinese man foaming at the mouth and dropping dead, with the caption “Just the flu ????” You keep scrolling down your timeline and see the same clip over and over, and other similar shock videos shared by neighbors, friends, and people you work with.

You’d lose your mind, and rightfully so. That’s powerful messaging and it had a major impact on the American psyche, day in and day out for two months straight.

For me, being a suspicious person by nature, it all felt very hysterical, staged, and phony. But at a time when fear, confusion, and distrust were at an all-time high, it was virtually impossible to talk rationally about the virus with friends and family who were sucked in by the “terror propaganda.”

It’s understandable because even though I didn’t buy into the hype, there was still a nagging voice in the back of my head whispering “what if…”

And even that quiet little “what if” was tremendously powerful.

In just two short months Americans were whipped into a fear-frothing frenzy which set the table for the tyrannical lockdowns and mask mandates that would follow. Lockdowns that consumed our nation, pitted neighbor against neighbor, struck down our booming economy, and wiped out small businesses from coast to coast.

Two years ago, if you would have told Americans they would voluntarily shut down their businesses and lock themselves in their homes they would’ve laughed in your face. But those viral videos laid the groundwork for lockdown acceptance. They were the first of many perfectly-timed events that Americans would use to justify tossing away their rights and livelihood in exchange for harsh restrictions and lockdowns — after all, nobody wanted to foam at the mouth and keel over while shopping for cappuccino makers at Bed Bath & Beyond.

However, there was one very big problem… little did we know back then that all of those spine-tingling videos were fake.

That’s right, the beginning of the Coronavirus mass hysteria and the very first building blocks that led to a nation-wide lockdown, the destruction of our economy, and the great global reset was a complete and total hoax.

You’d think a bombshell like that would concern everyone or at the very least pique the interest of journalists and politicians, right?

But it didn’t.

Many people shrugged off the videos, claiming there’s always fake or sensational news online. And they’re right. But this was different. Very different. Those “Chinese fear videos” were hand-picked, edited, and manipulated in order to market a very specific horror story to Americans.

Those video clips played night and day into the darkest and most personal fears of every single American who watched them.

And there was a running narrative, as well. It went like this:

Dear America,

A deadly virus is coming to get you, and your government will downplay it and tell you it’s “just the flu,” but it’s not. It will kill you and your family. 

Thanks to those videos, millions of Americans didn’t trust President Trump right out of the gate. While he was working to calm the nation, frantic Americans were thinking about all those Chinese people keeling over in the streets. “Why isn’t Trump as frantic and scared as we are,” many people wondered… what was he hiding?

It all came back to those videos. They set a powerful narrative and programmed countless American minds.

But who would do this? That’s the million-dollar question.

Internet trolls are brilliant and have pulled off some mindboggling stunts, but this felt very different from that. This felt highly organized, sophisticated, and had consistent expert messaging peppered with very cunning psychological warfare.

It looked and felt like a professionally coordinated marketing campaign.

For me, the answer to the million-dollar question is obvious: the people who did this are the ones who would benefit most from the collapse of the US economy, a return to a globalist agenda, and the removal of President Trump.

The next logical question is: who has the means, talent, and resources to successfully pull off a campaign like this?

My theory would go something like this: Some entity, perhaps associated with the Chinese government, weaponized a cache of carefully edited “video clips” and used them as phase one of an intricate “gorilla-type” propaganda war designed to scare the American people into surrendering their lives and livelihoods in an effort to collapse the world’s greatest economy, oust a popular America First President, and reset the globalist agenda. Once these videos were in circulation, it is possible that certain sectors of the American establishment amplified the fear in order to justify the brutal consolidation of power right around the corner.

I’m not an investigative journalist, and I don’t have the resources to uncover who created, uploaded, and marketed those videos. But together, you and I can look back at some of the fake viral videos and stories from last year, and examine how they were cleverly marketed to the American people to achieve peak fear and submission.

One of the biggest viral sensations at the start of the COVID pandemic was a collection of videos showing Chinese people keeling over from the virus.

At the time these videos came out we didn’t know that COVID-19 doesn’t cause people to spontaneously “drop like flies.” I’ve had COVID – a very bad case, actually, that lasted for over three months – and even so, I was still able to stand upright. However, the videos that came out last year told a much different, far scarier story.

They showed random Chinese people dying in the streets from the virus.

That video looks particularly menacing and “virusy” thanks to the officials in Hazmat suits.

That’s a theme you’ll see a lot throughout these videos and images — Hazmat suits. They’re everywhere.

And speaking of Hazmat suits, when digging around for these clips, I discovered that first-responders in China routinely wear Hazmat suits on the job. It’s part of their uniform.

However, thanks to TV shows and Hollywood movies, most Americans immediately think of scientists and highly-contagious deadly viruses when they see a Hazmat suit and it instantly legitimizes the claims that are being made. So it’s easy to see how that viral clip would have a major impact on many US citizens.

The next video was everywhere on social media as well. It claimed to show dead COVIID victims lining the streets and waiting to be picked up like piles of garbage.

Here’s what a Twitter user tweeted out about the video on February 17th, 2020:

“Wuhan China. Dead Bodies waiting 4 pickup. Coronavirus NO ordinary Virus. Is it intentionally released BIO WEAPON?”

Imagine watching this video and picturing your city’s “Main Street USA” lined with dead bodies?

“Coming soon to a town near you…”

That’s a terrifying image and can really mess with someone’s head.

However, this was also a lie.

The video actually shows people sleeping on the streets in Shenzhen, China — a city over 600 miles away from Wuhan, according to the AP.

However, the imagery in this video and the idea that some “bioweapon” was coming to your town was tremendously powerful.

Would you voluntarily stay locked inside your home to avoid being struck down by a bioweapon?

After seeing that video, probably.

Another popular viral image showed a man supposedly suffering from COVID, who collapsed at the airport.

These types of photos were everywhere — they fed into a popular “Wuhan/Coronavirus” narrative that showcased people trying but failing to “escape” the city.

The stories were dramatic tragedy-type tales of victims and scared citizens desperately trying to flee but were either captured or killed by Hazmat officials or they collapsed and died just before they made it out of the city.

It sounds like a Lifetime movie, right? Very emotional stuff involving the human spirit and the will to live — you can relate, can’t you? Sure you can. These poor people are just like you… bla bla bla.

Only, they’re not exactly like you, because unlike you, this story isn’t real.

The man in this photo did not have COVID. In actuality, he was drunk and passed-out according to fact-checker Poynter.

Another running theme in the “China fear clips” were videos showing authorities (oftentimes listed as “armed doctors” by the person posting the video) violently apprehending or killing COVID victims in order to help save the world.

Imagine seeing doctors so frightened of a virus that they’re forced to use weapons against innocent sickly victims. It’s unthinkable and terrifying to even imagine, let alone watch it unfold before your own eyes.

Suddenly, the COVID pandemic felt like a Mad Max movie with apocalyptic themes and “good and evil” trading places.

The doctors have been made evil by a virus so insidious that it turns heroes into villains — what a plot twist!

However, the videos that were shared as actual encounters were really just training videos, many of them with actors.

You have to keep in mind that China is a communist country and they don’t allow just anyone to randomly film things especially involving “government officials,” as we do in the US.

If something was recorded, it was ok’d by the government.

But the people who posted these types of videos went to great lengths to make you believe that you were watching a real-life takedown.

Here’s a sample of the type of “training videos” that were passed off as real encounters.

One of the most compelling videos is no longer available online.

When I watched this particular video it had a rather big impact on me. It was definitely one of my “what if…” moments.

It was a clip of a woman lying dead in the street and the story was that she was shot and killed at the border by doctors as she attempted to flee Wuhan.

There are those powerful themes again… Lifetime movie meets Mad Max.

I remember watching it and thinking, could this be true? Is there a virus so awful that doctors who took an oath to save mankind are now murderers?

Again, what an unthinkable horror and it really made me pause and question myself. Was I not taking this seriously enough? There are so many videos out there… Am I ignoring the ugly truth?

What if…

But like all the others, this video was also a lie.

I was able to locate a screenshot from the video:

The actual video was real, but it had nothing to do with COVID. It was a well-documented motor-scooter accident involving two teenagers, one of whom tragically died. However, the video was artfully edited to remove the “scooter” from the frame in order to tell a completely different story, with an entirely new narrative and theme.

From Observers France

People all over the world have been sharing a video that they claim shows a woman killed by police in China for trying to escape quarantine for the COVID-19 virus, which has infected more than 70,000 people since it first appeared in Wuhan, China in December 2019. The propagation of this video is evidence of the rising hysteria about the virus online. However, our team took a closer look, and found out that the video itself tells an entirely different story.

The 21-second video shows a person wearing a yellow jacket and black trousers lying motionless on the ground. The person’s face is covered in blood. In the background someone is screaming, and at the very end of the video a woman runs towards the person on the ground. The video has garnered hundreds of thousands of views on social media, especially Twitter.

Social media users claimed that the person on the ground was a woman fatally shot by police when she tried to break past the blockade set up to try to contain the virus in Wuzu, a city in Hubei province.

Zhang W. sent us another version of the video shared online, which is a fraction of a second longer. If you pause the video, you can see that there is a motorbike or scooter lying on its side on the sidewalk a few metres from the person on the ground. Also, at 0’04, you can see that the concrete barrier around a nearby tree has been damaged.

“Two teenagers were going too fast on their scooters,” explains one of the messages posted in the group alongside the video. “They hit the edge of the road and lost control. The driver died.”

There were hundreds and hundreds of these types of videos floating around social media — and all of them went viral, and many news outlets and blogs covered them as well… they were everywhere, and they shaped so much of what was yet to come for our country — but they were all fake.

Yet, even so, nobody in the media or our government is asking who made them and posted them online, and why.

Their silence speaks volumes.

But that wasn’t the end… those early videos were just the tip of the psychological warfare. They were just the beginning. Part two quickly kicked in.

I like to call this the “affirmation phase.”

Just as the dramatic COVID videos were starting to taper off, a bombshell report from the Imperial College in London splashed on the scene and its findings all but validated the slew of China horror clips that we’d been watching for months.

The report, which was covered in-depth by The New York Times in April 2020, estimated that as many as 2.2 million Americans would likely die from COVID-19 if we didn’t go into quarantine.

That’s right, if we didn’t lock ourselves in our homes we would end up like all of those poor Chinese people in those videos.

Here’s a blip from the NYT piece:

American officials said the report, which projected up to 2.2 million deaths in the United States from such a spread, also influenced the White House to strengthen its measures to isolate members of the public.

Imperial College has advised the government on its response to previous epidemics, including SARS, avian flu, and swine flu. With ties to the World Health Organization and a team of 50 scientists, led by a prominent epidemiologist, Neil Ferguson, Imperial is treated as a sort of gold standard, its mathematical models feeding directly into government policies.

“Gold standard” indeed… By mid-May Mr. Ferguson’s erroneous “model” that predicted millions of deaths would be lining birdcages all over the world.

But at that time we didn’t know any better. We simply trusted the “gold plan.”

And if that wasn’t enough to convince you, the COVID catastrophe in Italy was unfolding right before our eyes. The world watched in horror as Italy’s medical system collapsed under the weight of all the sick people.

Now, as someone who once lived in Italy, I can tell you that they don’t exactly have “red carpet” healthcare to begin with. Much of the medical system in Italy looks and feels as old as the Colosseum. So, the implosion was not all that shocking for those of us familiar with Italy’s hospitals. But to the average American, it was a horror show. And the images coming out of Italy, coupled with the China videos and the “gold standard” report, was enough for most people to throw in the towel and declare “we’re doomed…”

The COVID fear train was traveling full-steam ahead. All aboard.

Terrified Americans watched in real-time as Italy’s hospitals buckled — stories began circulating showing COVID patients lying on gurneys under trees, on dirt-covered roads, and in parking lots.

It was quite a sight to behold.

Imagine how many Americans pictured themselves or their loved ones on those same outdoor gurneys somewhere in LA, Nashville, or Indianapolis – gasping to take their last breath, waiting for the foam to bubble up and death to snatch them away? It’s a gory picture to paint, but this was the vibe in early Spring of 2020.

Only, just like the China videos before them, many of the stories coming out of Italy were also fake.

One viral Facebook post showed a series of photos with slews of hospital patients lined up on gurneys outside with the caption: “This is Italy. There is no more space in hospitals. Think twice before you put your foot outside the door”

That last line, “Think twice before you put your foot outside the door….” is some top-shelf fear-porn. Would you wander outside the safety of your home if you just saw a line of gurneys under a tree? Probably not.

However, the image was not from Italy, and it had nothing to do with Coronavirus. The image was actually from Croatia and those patients in the photo were earthquake survivors, so of course, they’re not going to be inside damaged hospital buildings.

Here’s what the BBC said about that Facebook post:

The images being shared are genuine, but they are not from Italy.
A reverse image search reveals they were taken in the Croatian capital, Zagreb, after it was hit by an earthquake on 22 March.
The most widely shared post seems to have originated in India just as the government there imposed a nationwide lockdown on 25 March.

And the fake videos and images weren’t just coming out of China and Italy. The US also got in on the fun.

During a segment on New York’s “overcrowded hospitals,” CBS used B-roll footage from an Italian hospital with a banner that read: “Coronavirus Race to Respond: America’s Epicenter: New York Now Accounts For More Than Half of US Cases.”

Why did CBS use a hospital in Italy to try and convince Americans that New York was buckling under the demand?

Another good question that deserves an answer.

And as a side note to that, Americans had a hard time finding these “overflowing” hospitals… and trust me, they searched and searched. At one point the hashtag #EmptyHospitals was trending on Twitter and videos like this popped up all over the place (most have since been deleted by Youtube):

As it stands now, we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of this Coronavirus pandemic plot…it would be the most bizarre story ever told if it wasn’t so obvious what really went down.

We were purposely bamboozled and tricked into thinking that a virus that caused brain swelling, convulsions, and spontaneous death was coming to our shores, and if we didn’t close our businesses, lock ourselves in our homes, and surrender our liberties millions of us would die.

That was the message which was delivered loud and clear for two months.

It all started with those early videos out of China. They were the very first building blocks of a coordinated marketing campaign to reboot America.

Just look at the totality of what happened as a result of the pandemic and ask yourself who benefited most from all of those “perfectly-timed” events. I think if you do that, and also consider the well-crafted fear campaign that was foisted upon all of us, you will agree that my “working theory” holds water.


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