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Intruder Arrested at the White House
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Intruder Arrested at the White House


President Donald Trump said Saturday that the suspect in the White House intrusion Friday night was disturbed, calling it a sad situation and saying he appreciates the work of the Secret Service.

"The service did a fantastic job," the President said to reporters during a lunch meeting with Cabinet officials at the Trump National Golf Club in Potomac Falls, Virginia. "It was a troubled person. It was very sad."

Asked about confidence in the Secret Service, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer reiterated to reporters the good job it does, and said they have full confidence in the agency.

Trump also told reporters that he was discussing military, economic and health care issues with Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and other senior officials.

"The economy is doing very, very well, and in general it's doing very well," Trump said. "We had a mess, a mess, and its getting straightened out. Today we're also talking about health care, which is coming up."

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