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Jeff Bezos Latest Brainwave: Amazon Drones Are the Dream of Fascist Collectivists and Technocrats
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Jeff Bezos Latest Brainwave: Amazon Drones Are the Dream of Fascist Collectivists and Technocrats


21st Century Wire says…

Think of the fun that local kids and gun enthusiasts will have with this latest brainwave by internet mogul and neo-nerd vanguard, Jeff Bezos…

Some will see this as ‘so cool’ technology, while adventurous youths might want to get their kicks hunting down and disabling these little flying robots, and gun enthusiasts will enjoy target practice as drones flying overhead – and who could blame them when their local airspace and roads are being invaded by corporate robots.

Amazon surveillance? Corporate drones could do the work for the NSA by snooping at every window.

No one can deny that the potential for ‘Amazon surveillance’ is massive. Corporate drones could easily provide a real-time video snooping network needed for the NSA to keep tabs on Americans 24 hours a day. If you think this isn’t already being discussed, and business deals between the government and Amazon haven’t already been calculated – then you would be very naive.

What are the ‘consumer’ benefits of having a robotic helicopter drone deliver stuff to your door? Apparently, next day delivery is not good enough for yuppie navel gazers – who are demanding same day delivery service. For those want even better than same day – to consume their books, DVDs, electronic like they want to consume their Dominos Pizzas in 30 minutes or less, then drones must be the answer, right?

The dream of the robotic economy, where everything is rented, and nothing is owned, and where robotic Amazon drones and Google cars will take the place of human drivers in cars and vans. These are not dreams anymore, this is your new reality, approaching fast.

What’s it really all about? Profits, of course. Technocrat bean counters in Seattle and Silicon Valley, having already established a benchmark price for driver-based freight postage and delivery, feel they can undercut that traditional cost and make an additional margin on each item while selling it to their technology-worshiping customers as a cool ‘value-add’ to their brand’s “client experience”.

But here’s the real red flag (no pun intended): corporate technocrats and fascist collectivists are drooling over the prospect of what they are proudly calling, “The sharing economy of things”. It sounds wonderful to some, like those who literally shake with excitement when they hear the word “collective”, “Co-op” or “commune”. Yes, it’s that utopic, Zeitgeist future where no one actually owns anything, but where everything is rented, or loaned. It’s the completion of the rent-seeking economy – but that renting for us (the proletariat) but total ownership over us by the select cartel of super-corporations and royal-chartered firms – the only ones who can afford to operate in the big regulator, big government environment…

Rentals Delivered By Drone Could Make Ownership Obsolete
Josh Constine
Tech Crunch

Why buy something when you could rent it, have it instantly delivered when you need it, and taken away when you’re done? While Amazon’s unveiling of its Prime Air drone-powered delivery service could make buying easier, it’s drone pick-up that could make it so we don’t need to buy things at all.

The sharing economy holds the promise of a more efficient, collaborative way of living. Startups like Airbnb and GetAround are thriving by making use of our empty apartments and parked cars. It’s proving feasible for humans to share housing and transportation, but we haven’t quite figured out the sharing of most objects. Perhaps the biggest hurdle is delivery and pickup.


But here’s the real red flag (no pun intended): corporate technocrats and fascist collectivists are drooling over the prospect of what they are proudly calling, “The sharing economy of things”. It sounds wonderful to some, like those who literally shake with excitement when they hear the word “collective”, “Co-op” or “commune”. Yes, it’s that utopic, Zeitgeist future where no one actually owns anything, but where everything is rented, or loaned. It’s the completion of the rent-seeking economy – but that renting for us (the proletariat) but total ownership over us by the select cartel of super-corporations and royal-chartered firms – the only ones who can afford to operate in the big regulator, big government environment…

Read the full article at:

Congress members push privacy bills in response to Amazon delivery drones
By Adi Robertson | The Verge

Will drones give you better shopping recommendations by watching your house?

Since Jeff Bezos announced Amazon’s hypothetical delivery-by-octocopter service earlier this week, its drones have become a point of focus for existing debates over privacy, regulation, and "disruptive" technology. The plan has given a sense of urgency to questions about widespread governmental and commercial drone use, and a new hook for members of Congress trying to answer those questions through legislation. Yesterday, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) became the second member of Congress to raise the specter of Amazon Prime Air to support an anti-surveillance bill, giving a sometimes colorful account of how the drones could change our future.
In just a few years, Bezos said people will be able to order something online and have it in their hands within 30 minutes by the use of drones. It sounds like something out of the Jetsons, doesn’t it? Gone will be the days of the neighborhood mail carriers. Soon there will be a drone to replace them. According to Amazon, these drones can deliver packages up to 5 pounds, which makes up 90 percent of their deliveries.

Mr. Speaker, thousands of Americans use Amazon every year, especially around the holiday season. Amazon, unlike the glitch-ridden government Web sites, can efficiently use online Internet services that get a timely product to market. Think of how many drones could soon be flying around the sky. Here a drone, there a drone, everywhere a drone in the United States.

Poe congratulated Amazon on its plan but said it also opened the door to privacy violations, including a drone-based product recommendation service that watches your house to figure out what consumer goods you’re missing.


Read the full article at:

READ: Pizza Delivered by Drone - Commercial Drone Future is Now


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