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Jesuit Pope Agenda – Meet The Templars, Knights of Malta And Blackwater/Xe Exterminators
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Jesuit Pope Agenda – Meet The Templars, Knights of Malta And Blackwater/Xe Exterminators


Mining for the Truth is like digging at the decrepit body of manipulated worldly information for real substance. A pile of petrified insanity, we’re chipping away at it until inner forms are revealed. That the new Pope is a Jesuit, the first one ever, is a very big deal. The Jesuits are no small force. People think they resemble innocuous Franciscan monks who focus on education.

Was Pope Benedict fired by the Knights of Malta?

Nothing could be further from the truth. They are the polar opposite. Of the worst sort.

Beware this new Pope. His roots are nasty and we’re in an age of increasing darkness and violence. This ruthless, militant Jesuit “society” has one hellish oath that should get you wondering and researching real fast.

The Jesuit Oath Exposed

Hold on for this one. This is an excerpt, and this oath is still in use.

I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants’ heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.

In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false, or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly be opened and sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever. [Full Oath exposed here]

Revisionist History Cover Up – Meet the Jesuit Order

The Jesuit Order is an almost 500-year old covert operations, geo-political, male-only organization, structured as a secret military operation: demanding secret oaths and complete obedience to each direct superior, which is ultimately the Superior General (often nicknamed as the Black Pope, since he dresses in black and ‘stands in the shadow’ of the white Pope).

The “Society of Jesus” – as they are officially known – was originally used by the Vatican to counter the various Reformation movements in Europe, to which the Vatican lost much of its religious and political power. Absolute-temporal-ruling power has always been the Vatican institution’s primary objective. Source

While so-called modern history hardly mentions how hated this fanatical sect was, it wasn’t long ago that it was well known to be an “odious” and extremely dangerous organization.

Just look at these quotes:
“My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, [and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Jesuit Order’s] restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, [and] death. … I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of [Ignatius de] Loyola.”
John Adams (1735-1826; 2nd President of the United States)
“It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe.”
Marquis de LaFayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general. He served in the American Continental Army under the command of General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War.)
“The war [i.e., the American Civil War of 1861-1865] would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits.”
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; 16th President of the United States)
“The Jesuits…are a secret society – a sort of Masonic order – with superadded features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous.”
– Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States)
“[The Jesuits] are the deadly enemies of civil and religious liberty.”
R. W. Thompson (Ex-Secretary, American Navy)
“The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…”
Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)

Read the rest of the article here


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