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John McCain Is a Terrible Human Being
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John McCain Is a Terrible Human Being

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On June 20, Arizona Senator John McCain was diagnosed with a type of brain tumor known as a primary glioblastoma. The next day, he underwent brain surgery to remove a blood clot.

Now, there was a part of me – an admittedly foolish, naive part – that wondered: could this be what it takes to wake John McCain from his murderous, warmongering haze? After decades of supporting violent regime change, could this close encounter with death lead to a change of heart?

The answer, of course, is a resounding no.

John McCain is still a stooge for the elite. His interests are wholly establishment; any concern for the wellbeing of the American people – or any people outside of his family and, of course, suspected lover, Lindsay Graham – remains as elusive as Hillary's missing emails.

If anything, McCain's behavior has only grown more despicable since the dawn of his recent health problems.

First, McCain, in an act of remarkable (read: irritating) perseverance, flew to Washington less than a week after his aforementioned surgery to vote – in support, mind you – for the Better Care Reconciliation Act, a laughable piece of legislation introduced by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Amusingly, the Arizona senator originally said that he wouldn't vote for the BCRA. However, six hours after making such a proclamation, he voted for it.

Next, on Wednesday, McCain – along with five other Republicans – voted against Senator Rand Paul's clean Obamacare repeal bill, the Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act of 2017. While this bill certainly wasn't perfect, repealing Obamacare has been a major Republican goal – or so they claim – for years.

In fact, in 2015 McCain promised to support the repeal of Obamacare, stating, “It is clear that any serious attempt to improve our health care system must begin with a full repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and I will continue fighting on behalf of the people of Arizona to achieve it.”

Finally, to make things worse, McCain publicly denounced Donald Trump's recent announcement that transgenders would no longer be allowed to serve in the American military.

So not only is this supposedly conservative senator opposed to repealing Obamacare, but he's also in support of “social justice” policies in the military.


With the shadow of death drawing ever nearer, I find it quite odd that John McCain remains committed to being such a terrible human being. Were I in his situation, I'd be thumbing a rosary with sweaty hands, worried about the prospects of eternal damnation.

But given McCain's earthly obedience to the malicious forces that rule from the shadows, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to presume that McCain has a swanky condo awaiting him in the underworld.


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