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Mexican Nationalist Jorge Ramos Claims America Belongs to Latino Immigrants
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Mexican Nationalist Jorge Ramos Claims America Belongs to Latino Immigrants

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On Friday, Mexican-American journalist and Univision anchor Jorge Ramos once again advocated for the third world takeover of America.

During the Univision awards ceremony Premios Lo Nuestro (Our Awards), Ramos said the following:

I am an immigrant, just like many of you. I am a proud Latino immigrant here in the United States. My name is Jorge Ramos, and I work at Univision and at the Fusion network. And you know exactly what is going on here in the United States. There are many people who do not want us to be here, and who want to create a wall in order to separate us. But you know what? This is also our country. Let me repeat this: OUR country, not theirs. It is our country. And we are not going to leave. We are nearly 60 million Latinos in the United States. And thanks to US, the United States eats, grows and, as we've seen today, sings and dances. So when they attack us, we already know what we are going to do. We are not going to sit down. We will not shut up. And we will not leave. That is what we are going to do.

At this point, it's safe to say that Jorge Ramos places the interests of his ethnic group before those of America. But no one should be surprised by this; ethnic conflict is an inevitable result of mass immigration, which ensures that immigrants do not assimilate or lose their group identities.

This begs the question: Why do we allow foreign nationalists into our country to begin with?

Amusingly, despite having pale skin and blue eyes, Jorge Ramos still identifies with the squat Mestizos flooding across the border. In fact, Jorge looks so White that one can’t help but wonder if a DNA test taken by Jorge Ramos would reveal any non-European ancestry whatsoever.

Is Jorge Ramos doing so because he feels a deep affinity to the Mexican people? Or is he taking this angle because he sees it as beneficial for his career? After all, there are significant social incentives for embracing globalism.

Perhaps both are true.

Regardless, this is far from the first time Jorge Ramos has expressed such sentiments. In an interview with Jared Taylor from American Renaissance, Ramos voiced similar views on America, Trump, and Latinos:

It’s also worth pointing out that the Univision anchor’s views are fairly commonplace among Mexicans.

Katie McHugh at Breitbart writes:

And Ramos’ views are not fringe ones in Mexico: A 2013 poll found that 66 percent of Mexicans believe the U.S. government has no right to limit immigration, while 52 percent said Mexicans have a right to be in the United States. Another 88 percent said it is fine to enter the U.S. illegally if one needs money. Over half, 56 percent, said they had friends or family who tried to immigrate to the U.S. illegally.

Unfortunately for Jorge, America does not belong to Latinos. Prior to ill-fated immigration reform in the 60s, America was nearly 90% White.

And I think Mr. Ramos would be wise to consider that telling White people they don’t own the nations their ancestors bled for might make Trump seem even more appealing.

Nevertheless, telling White people they don’t own anything seems to be a popular tactic among those on the Left these days. I’m not sure what they hope to accomplish with such rhetoric, but hey, never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake, right?


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