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Multiple Paths Lead To One World Government
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Multiple Paths Lead To One World Government


That we live in a world of “Agenda Politics” is absolutely clear. Governments come and go, but the agenda never changes. Policies left incomplete by one government are taken up with gusto by the next. Civil servants get involved in writing party manifestos.

One of the most obvious of the agendas that our politicians are pushing is that of “World Government”. The British Parliament is now subservient to so many foreign bodies and institutions it is hard to keep count.

This is not a new agenda. It has been pushed since before the twentieth century by, among others, the “rat pack” of the Huxleys, H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell and the like. And it finds its expression in a host of organisations, “think” tanks, NGOs and committees.

The most obvious example of those organisations, of course, is Julian Huxley’s United Nations.

It was Franklin Roosevelt who first coined the term “United Nations”. His vision, however, was for a forum of sovereign nations; a world apart from what the United Nations has become.

Perhaps a less obvious path to world government is the Commonwealth, and a question which has long been on our minds is, which is the path which is most likely to get us there?

A hint came in July 2010, when the Queen addressed the UN General Assembly. She said:

This September, leaders will meet to agree how to achieve the Millennium Development Goals when each nation will have its own distinctive contribution to make ... Since I addressed you last, the Commonwealth, too, has grown vigorously to become a group of nations representing nearly two billion people. It gives its whole-hearted support to the significant contributions to the peace and stability of the world made by the United Nations and its Agencies. Last November, when I opened the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Trinidad and Tobago, I told the delegates that the Commonwealth had the opportunity to lead. Today I offer you the same message.

The implications of this are staggering. Here, the British monarch is telling the world that she is creating the largest power bloc within the United Nations; a power bloc with 54 votes, compared to the single vote of, say, the USA, Russia or China.

The Commonwealth Is The British Empire

Contrary to rumour, the British Empire never went away. Commonwealth nations never, in reality, obtained independence from Britain. Instead, they simply went through a process of devolution; home rule instead of direct rule. Puppet presidents and prime ministers to replace Viceroys and Governors.

In any case, the British Empire was never really about Britain, and has certainly never been about the British people. It was, and remains, a corporate financial “empire”; an international trading empire based on the looting of nations and the trafficking of drugs. For a while, that corporate infrastructure was effectively nationalised, and took on the appearance of being a British political empire, rather than a corporate financial one.

After the second world war, however, “empire” became unfashionable. It was time to move to the next phase of the globalist agenda, so the empire shrunk into the shadows. The colonies were restructured and the embryonic institutions of World Government were formed.

Today it has raised its ugly head above the parapet once again with renewed vigour, and once again, we stare into the jaws of a now truly global, corporate, communitarian monster.

A Return To Feudalism

The apex of the pyramid of feudal power is the monarch. In Britain, our monarch and her family get involved in a wide range of activities, some commercial, some not. One area the British Royal Family has been involved in is environmentalism, particularly so-called “Sustainable Development”.

Both Prince Philip and Prince Charles push the idea that humanity is a parasite on the face of the earth; Philip perhaps a little more openly since he has expressed his desire to be reincarnated as a virus which would solve what he views as the global population problem.

Nonetheless, both father and son head up the global environmental push for massive depopulation, limiting of technology except where it oppresses and limiting access to natural resources.

Prince Philip’s World Wildlife Fund is directly responsible for the deaths of many, many people through it’s interference, for example, with irrigation programmes right around the world which would feed millions.

But it is Prince Charles’ Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum which, along with the IMF, World Bank and the United Nations have really been pushing the sustainable development policy, including the UN’s “Agenda 21”.

Agenda 21

Agenda 21 is a term which has mostly been dropped these days. Too many people became too aware of what it was - a modern form of feudalism.

Agenda 21 designed a global movement, coordinated through a global to local action plan to create world government in accordance with certain objectives. Let’s look at some of its key policy objectives:

•populations to be concentrated in cities
•an end to national sovereignty
•the abolition of private property
•the restructuring of the family unit and increasing limitations on mobility and individual opportunity

Now, consider the policies coming out of our own government:

•the systematic destruction of our farming industry
•an end to national sovereignty European and UN “laws” applied at the local level - the “Big Society”
•private property and assets stripped away through economic hardship and crippling taxes
•children stolen by the state and pushed into a multi billion pound care system
•0-19 education programmes (schools opening longer, no parental influence)
•crippling public transport costs and soon to be imposed road charging

So while the term “Agenda 21” has been dropped, the policies it represented absolutely have not. They have simply been transformed into the Big Society and the Millennium Development Goals. The agenda remains, and at its heart is the drive for world government.

The Leadership Agenda

Let’s look again at what we said about Agenda 21 above - “a global movement, coordinated through a global to local action plan”. A key facet of that action plan is to push the agenda down to the most local levels in society.
One mechanism for achieving that has been the absolute destruction of our education system. The inability of our teachers to teach has nothing to do with their capability as teachers, but rather the imposition of ever more ridiculous processes and procedures, which bar them from teaching effectively. The deliberate dumbing down of entire generations of children guarantees that those children will grow up as more “sustainable” human beings, because stupid adults earn less and therefore consume less. Stupid adults are incapable of recognising delphi technique when it is being used upon them. Stupid adults are incapable of understanding the lessons of history, or of Shakespeare.

But stupid adults still need leadership, and it is through the massive increase in “leadership” training that the world government agenda is being implemented. Please see our One World Governance series for more on this.

As stated above, the apex of the pyramid of feudal power is the monarch. Historically, the military stronghold from which such power was wielded was the castle. One such stronghold is Windsor Castle.


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