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Ruminations of the Universe 5: Chakras, Dimensions, and Heavenly Bodies
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Ruminations of the Universe 5: Chakras, Dimensions, and Heavenly Bodies

There is a correlation between chakras, dimensions, and heavenly bodies. Our body/mind is in the 3rd dimension physical reality, our Mother the Earth and Her aura the astral plane extends through the 4th dimension, our Father the Sun is One and our Creative Source in the 5th dimension and Christ Consciousness frees us from all boundaries so we disperse into every atom of Existence in the 6th dimension.

The 3rd chakra rules the body/mind complex and is the highest functioning chakra for many incarnate beings. Working down, the 2nd chakra just above the navel opens the door to the emotions and desires. Beneath this is the root chakra connecting us to our instinctual nature including flight/fight and sex. For many this is the whole of their perspective. They focus on their local environment and live simple lives.

Many humans are evolving from the 3rd dimension to the 4th right now. This is the signature of the Aquarian age and the destination for 2012. We reach this vibration frequency when we open our heart, the 4th chakra. Then we can connect with the Holy Spirit of our Mother Gaia, and express her Will in the world. We sing her song and feel fulfilled in living our purpose. The vision of the garden is returned.

Our 5th chakra is the governor of manifestation. From here we become one with our Father the Sun by becoming Creators in our own right. We give up the personal for the profound and unite with the Source by serving universal truth. In art, speech, and the written word we express as a conduit of the 5th dimensional cosmic mind. In the 4th dimension lies the myth behind that which is born in the 3rd. The 5th contains all myths at once.

We reincarnate as we orbit the Earth in the 4th dimension. We dive down into the 3rd, give up our body and return to the 4th. We then dive down again and again, until we remember the full continuity of our being. Recovering all experience from all lives and piercing the veil of illusion, we begin to build momentum to escape the dense gravity of the Earth. We are done here when we can lift out of the 4th dimension and all that goes with it.

This is only possible with the help of the Sun. There is a process of reincarnating around the Earth, but to even enter the Solar System we needed a light body. Sol (the Sun) gave us each a Soul and allowed us passageway into the Solar System. The Soul starts out in the 5th dimension and then dives down into the 4th dimensional astral planes of the Earth. Then down into the 3rd dimension existence as a body on the surface of the planet.

Previously beings were allowed to undertake the process of embodiment to experience the planet Minerva (asteroid planet), and also Mars. It is in the plan for the future to have beings take bodies which will work with Venus. One can enjoy the outer planets without taking a body. That is why they fill us with so much awe and inspiration. They remind us of our Soul and the light feeling of freedom we had when we last sailed by them.

With Sol’s help we can go back through the portal which brought us into this solar system. It is not easy because we have to leave the Soul behind to get back out. For those who seek to go beyond this point, they will open their third eye 6th chakra and witness the universal secrets first hand. Able to perceive beyond any and all limitation you merge with life itself and are suddenly everywhere. All stars and planets live in you, the Christ Consciousness.

~Christopher Moors

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