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Russell Brand labelled ’champagne socialist’ after refusing to discuss rent at protest
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Russell Brand labelled ’champagne socialist’ after refusing to discuss rent at protest

Russell Brand has been labelled "belligerent" and a "champagne socialist" after he refused to discuss his rent during a protest about housing costs.Brand, 39, refused to answer the question when challenged by Channel 4 reporter Paraic O’Brien and called the journalist "snide" for asking it.The row today provoked a furious twitter debate today, with some criticising Mr O’Brien for distracting attention from the issue at hand, while others accused Brand of "ranting and raving".The short interview was conducted during a demonstration outside 10 Downing Street held by tenants of the New Era Estate in east London, protesting against the threat of 93 families being evicted.After being confronted with the issue of whether wealthy property owners are responsible for pushing up prices, Brand responded that his property was rented, adding: "I’m not interested in talking about my rent".When Mr O’Brien pushed the issue, Brand told him: "You’re a snide".O’Brien suffered a Twitter backlash after the interview aired, posting today: ’Holy God. Reading my timeline from overnight. Looks like come the revolution, we ’snides’ are totally f*#ked : )’However, several other users of the site criticised Brand, who is believed to live in the Shoreditch area where rents can exceed £4,000 a month.One person wrote: ’No wonder champagne socialist #RussellBrand gets angry when asked how much his home costs’.Brand’s refusal to answer the reporter’s questions during the interview was also noted, with Joseph John commenting: ’Strength does not have to be belligerent and loud like the ranting and raving Russell Brand’.However, fellow comedian Shappi Khorsandi wrote: ’Another journo thinking he’s smart by ignoring issue and ’yeah but you but’ing Russel’.Brand has since posted a video on YouTube addressing the footage, in which he said he found talking to journalists "a combination of boring and really annoying."He said: "I do over-react, I’m a bit of a heart on my sleeve type of person, because for me it’s an emotional thing… it’s a real thing that reminds me of my own life and my own obligation."I do really genuinely care about the New Era Estate."Members of the estate marched on Downing Street after they were told their rent could be effectively tripled by being raised to market level, after originally being assured that rent would not be increased until 2016 under a local landlord agreement.Rents had previously been as low as £163 a week for a three-bedroom flat, but the estate was sold to an American company earlier this year, which has said it now wants to refurbish the properties.The protestors handed a petition to Downing Street with 294,000 signatures calling for Boris Johnson to intervene.Source: more, listen to our interview with Laurence Easeman on The People vs. The Banks & Russell Brand’s Botched "Revolution" DebateAnd Thomas Sheridan - Hour 1 & 2 - The “Brand” New Purple PillMore: Russell Brand’s Fantasy of a Socialist Egalitarian Utopia - Red Ice Commentary


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