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Swedish Mother Opens Up Home To Refugee Who Promptly Assaults Her Daughter
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Swedish Mother Opens Up Home To Refugee Who Promptly Assaults Her Daughter


A Swedish mother decided it would be a good idea to open up her home to a male refugee from Eritrea, and so she kicked her daughter out of her room to make space. That refugee then decided to sexually assault her 10-year-old daughter.

In the summer of 2015, a mother of three children in Sweden brought two third world asylum seekers into her home. To make space, she decided to move her daughter Emma into her own room.

On the eve of Aug. 18, 2015, Emma awoke to find Isaac squeezing her chest. She suffered breast pain after the incident and didn’t want to tell anyone, as she was afraid her mother would get in trouble. Emma couldn’t even look at Isaac because “he looked scary to her.”

The story came out after Emma finally told a friend of hers, and eventually after several people became aware of the situation, Isaac was confronted.

He protested he would never sexually assault Emma, since he has a girlfriend back in Eritrea. But after further questioning, he finally admitted to groping Emma’s breasts. When the police questioned him, Isaac changed his testimony and denied he had ever touched her.

Isaac meanwhile maintains he’s only 15, since he started school in Eritrea when he was 10 and then went to school for an additional seven years. He finished school two years ago, which according to him, makes him only 15.

The Lund District Court finds this sort of calculation bizarre, but the judge has decided to move forward with the case under the assumption that he is, in fact, just 15. The judge sentenced Isaac on Friday based on the charge of juvenile sexual assault, which means he’ll be sent to counseling.

In the counseling process, he’ll apparently learn to control his impulses and process through past experiences in his life that may have caused him to act out the way he did.

Meanwhile, Emma’s brother says he’s never seen his sister so distraught. She cries often, even though according to her brother, she’s very strong.

Yet, despite what Isaac did, he’ll be able to stay in Sweden.

Cases like these have prompted a fall in support for taking in refugees in Sweden. A November, 2015, poll found 41 percent of respondents said Sweden should take in fewer refugees. A poll earlier in September, 2015, found the answer to the same question was only 29 percent, indicating rapidly growing dissatisfaction with government asylum policies.

Sweden has taken far more refugees per capita than any other country in Europe.


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