The Age of Transitions - The Post Human Revolution
A Massive Death and Rebirth Ritual
Birth Pangs of a New Global Order
Chapter Nine of my book, Revolve is titled A Worldwide Death and Rebirth Ritual. This video series outlines some of the information from that chapter. What many people don't realize about the posthuman, is the power inherent in the very word. Words are ideas, and ideas are powerful. A real life posthuman does not exist, at least not physically, but the word has been unleashed upon the world. There is significance in this. Words have the power to shape minds. They create impressions that in turn effect perceptions, and even behavior. The idea behind the posthuman is that of a future form of life that comes after humans. Most who advocate this idea say that such a being would actually be an evolved version of humanity.
An interesting point about the posthuman idea is that it symbolizes the death and rebirth ritual of the Ancient Mystery Tradition. I have yet to see this mentioned overtly, however there have been many cryptic references to this by public figures. Posthuman 2 shows examples from four different individuals who all reference the "birth pangs" of a new global system. An important part of this system is the New Man. This point often gets overlooked by people who concentrate on the system itself. By integrating cybernetics with biology it is plain to see how humanity would become One with the Machine. Giving birth to the New Man/ new system/ new age comes about after the Old Man has been killed. This is the high esoteric truth behind all of the manufactured chaos we are now experiencing. It has been created to initiate "new life." The posthuman is the ideal man for the new age. In the mystery tradition, ideals/ ideas are held in higher regard than their actual physical counterparts. The "perfect man" is an idea, a framework from which to build one's own personality. What is the new ideal for the new age? It is the posthuman.
Don't miss our upcoming Red Ice Radio interview with Aaron Franz maker of the film Age of Transitions.
Here are our previous archived interviews with Aaron Franz:
Aaron Franz - The Age of Transitions
Aaron Franz - TransAlchemy, Save the Humans!