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Trump rally in Chicago Disrupted and Shut Down by "Tolerant" and "Diverse" Protesters, Soros-funded Responsible
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Trump rally in Chicago Disrupted and Shut Down by "Tolerant" and "Diverse" Protesters, Soros-funded Responsible

By Henrik Palmgren |

Editor's comment: Not one leftie presidential rally was disrupted by Trump supporters, yet thousands of so called 'tolerant free speech activists' crash Trump. Looking at the number of hateful, violent, racist antiWhites protesting, it should be no doubt why like minded White people want to separate into their own territory. The Balkanization of America is inevitable thanks to diversity.

Meanwhile, CNN keeps reporting how 'diverse" Chicago is. Exactly, diversity always leads to violence and chaos.

Anti-Whites don't want to end "White supremacy." They want to end White people! Hopefully White people in Chicago will begin to realize they are hated simply for existing. Nothing will ever be enough.

Only "tolerant" Bernie leftists can have the privilege to disrupt the democratic process, without any consequences, while playing the suppressed underdog, claiming the moral high-ground, as they at the same time proudly push the idea of an open society, democracy and free speech. statement here

"It's not going to be peaceful."

Local media in Chicago highlight the planned rally disruption, several hours before the even began:

Here's what one protester standing in line with a ticket for tonight's Trump rally says is going to happen.

Posted by Dane Placko Fox 32 Chicago on Friday, March 11, 2016

From CNN:

Donald Trump's campaign on Friday postponed a rally in Chicago amid large protests, fights between supporters and demonstrators and concerns that the environment at the event was no longer safe.

The announcement, which came amid large protests both inside and outside the event at The University of Illinois, comes amid heightened concerns about violence at the GOP front-runner's rallies and four days before Illinois holds its Republican primary.

Hundreds of demonstrators packed into an arena, breaking out into protest even before Trump had showed up. At least five sections in the arena were filled with protesters.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all of the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed to another date," the Trump campaign said in a statement. "Thank you very much for your attendance and please go in peace."

Several fistfights between Trump supporters and protesters could be seen after the announcement, as a large contingent of Chicago police officers moved in to restore order.

Supporters of Trump still inside chanted "We want Trump" after the event was canceled. Protesters, meanwhile, shouted "We shut s*** down" and "We stumped Trump." Others chanted "Bernie" as supporters whipped out Bernie Sanders campaign signs.

Some protesters were being detained and forcefully carried out.

Maria Hernandez, a 25-year-old community organizer, broke out into dance as a Trump campaign staffer announced that the rally had been canceled.

"I've never been more proud of my city," Hernandez told CNN.

Hernandez, who came out to protest Trump, said the Republican front-runner's immigration policies, as well as racial divisions in her city, pushed her to show up and protest Trump's planned event.

"I'm protesting because I'm black and Mexican and I'm not sure where he wants to deport me to, but I deal with racism daily in Chicago and I've had enough," she said.

One Trump supporter said he was "disappointed" that the event was postponed.

"Protesters have won now," Marlin Patrick, 55, told CNN. "We just feel as if the protesters have taken over."

Debi Patrick, a 53-year-old Trump supporter who lives outside Chicago, said there should have been more security planned for the event, but said she didn't blame Trump for the atmosphere at the rallies, saying people are responsible for their own behavior. Asked if she would still vote for Trump on Tuesday, she said, "Absolutely, more than ever."

But, Patrick said, "This is scaring the hell out of me, trying to leave here."

Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told CNN that there were no reports of injuries or arrests at the event. He added that attendees were exiting the rally and appeared to be civil.

Guglielmi added that the decision to postpone the event was not made by Chicago police.

A crowd of protesters outside the rally site had been steadily growing throughout the afternoon. Earlier Friday, 32 people were arrested in protests both inside and outside Trump's rally at the Peabody Opera House in St. Louis, police said. Thirty-one people were charged with disturbing the peace, and one was charged with third-degree assault. St. Louis police declined to provide further details.

Speaking to MSNBC's Chris Matthews after the event, Trump said he deplored the violence and said it signaled something broader about society.

"You can't even have a rally in a major city in this country anymore without violence or potential violence. And I didn't want to see the real violence, and that's why we called it off," Trump said.

Trump said he recognized that both sides were angry, but was largely unsympathetic to the protesters' concerns.

"You have people that are very, very upset about what's happening with our country as a country, and you have other people who don't just feel right about things," Trump said.

Later, as protests outside the arena continued, Trump tweeted that he had "just got off phone with the great people of Guam," which holds a Republican convention on Saturday to elect delegates.

"I just got off the phone with the great people of Guam! Thank you for your support! #VoteTrump today! #Trump2016."



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