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Trump's 'Covfefe' is now a Meme
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Trump's 'Covfefe' is now a Meme

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The president's tweet is outlasting its brief internet fame, in the form of shirts, mugs and now a license plate

Just because it's undefinable doesn’t mean it's undesirable. President Trump is an avid Twitter user and one tweet in particular just won't seem to go away.

On Wednesday, 31 May 2017, Trump tweeted, "Despite the constant negative press covfefe," a message that clearly pointed to a typo and/or an ill-timed "send." The word has now been spread widely online.

The phrase has since been used on a number of items, including T-shirts, mugs – and in the case of one California resident, a vanity license plate.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles' website confirms that a personalized plate with the term is unavailable, meaning that an Angeleno seized on the opportunity to commemorate that particular shared moment in time. It is unclear in the records when the plate was ordered.

According to CBS News, the Main Department of Motor Vehicles confirmed that someone had claimed the "covfefe" license plate mere hours after Trump's tweet. Other states, including North Carolina and Nebraska, have also seen the personalized vanity plate snatched up.


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