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Wake Up Homeschoolers: They're Coming For Your Children !!!
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Wake Up Homeschoolers: They're Coming For Your Children !!!


By Charlotte Iserbyt |

This is a call for all homeschoolers to pick up the phone immediately and call their U.S. Senators and demand that they vote no on senator Lamar Alexander's every child achieves act of 2015 (s.1177) which would reauthorize the Bush-era no child left behind law until 2021. Phone number to call is: 202-224-3121

Homeschooled children are not being excluded from the international united nations educational, scientific, and cultural organization (unesco)-dictated global workforce training and values and academics destroying curriculum.

In fact, passage of Republican Rep. John Kline's HR5 July 8, 2015 by a 5-vote margin (!) will allow for all the tax-funded school choice/charter schools, with unelected boards, requirements, necessary to implement this evil unconstitutional/international/totalitarian workforce training agenda across the board, around the world. (HR-5 is basically a copy-cat version of Sen. Alexander's S1177 which will be voted on early next week.)

Across the board means: Home Schooled Children Are Included!

These are the homeschools which contract with or are licensed by Charter Schools, and/or those homeschools that are required to comply with State or Federal education mandates through their state's education laws.

Included as well are Zulu children, sitting in the green grass in Kenya staring at Bill Gates et al green screen getting their daily dose of Communist Core, being assessed for proper non-academic/humanistic globalist values, and remediated for UNESCO-determined deficiencies.

For Proof Home Schoolers Are Included, read information below:

South Shore Charter School, Inc. Developing A New Type of Public School to Serve the South Shore c/o 936 Nantasket Ave., Hull, MA 02045.

"The South Shore Charter School is to be located in Hull and is initially drawing students from Kindergarten-2nd grades and 7th-10th grades from across the south Shore. We also provide support programs for students and parents involved in homeschooling. The Charter School was founded and is managed by Dovetail Consulting which reports to a nonprofit Board of Trustees that is answerable to the State Secretary of Education.

For our home-schoolers, while most of their work is via mail, telephone, and electronic mail; we require each of them and one of their parents to visit the Charter School twice a year for a three-day, face-to-face exhibition of mastery."

The above text has been excerpted from South Shore Charter School materials which were included in a packet passed out at an Empower America conference held January 25,1995.

Empower America is headed up by leading neoconservatives in bed, of course, with the leftists (who have supported tax-funded school choice ever since the founding of the United Nations in 1945).

The Empower America invitation to the January 25 conference had the following so-called conservatives listed in the left-hand column as Directors of Empower America and supporters of the conference:

Malcolm Forbes, William Bennett, Jack Kemp, Jeanne Kilpatrick, Newt Gingrich, Trent Lott, Michael Novak, amongst others.

Speakers at the conference included former U.S. Secretary of Education and present U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander, sponsor of S.1177, former U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennett, former Governor Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin, former AZ State Supt. of Schools, Lisa Graham, and Dick Armey, formerly the head of the Freedom Works, and deeply involved with formation of the National Tea Party.

Included in the packet of info was an article entitled "Variations on a Trend in Public Education--How Schools are Chartered in Eleven States and in the Russian Federation."

Don't Forget that Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution!

The Purpose of Charter Schools:

Global Workforce Training To Use All The World's Children To Spin Off Profits For The Global Elite.

This plan was initiated by the Carnegie Corporation. Go to and type "Conclusions" into the search engine to read Carnegie's book Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies, 1934, which calls for changing America's capitalist system to a planned economy. Planned economy requires use of Soviet/communist/socialist workforce training. President Reagan/President USSR Gorbachev agreements signed in 1985 called for merging the two nations' education systems. Carnegie Corporation's agreement with Soviet Academy of Science called for joint development of computer software for early elementary school children in Marxist critical thinking. Go to (free download) for all research on one hundred-year agenda.

The tax-funded school choice/charters without elected boards agenda are the Huge elephant in the Senate/House chambers:

Congressional debates on HR 5 and S1177

Which no one from the Left or the Right will talk about. The elephant will ultimately result in your loss of the right to vote since charters do not allow for elected school boards. Education is #1 in spending above even defense. Once we turn that budget over to unelected council decision making, the end of representative government will not be far behind!!!!!! Neoconservatives have even called for getting rid of elected representatives! Willard W. Garvey, National Center for Privatization, in a letter to President Reagan, April 6, 1984 stated:

"Privatization is now an idea whose time has come. The knowledge, communication, and computer industry can make political representatives obsolete."

And homeschoolers think they are exempt from this agenda? They may have been up until a few years ago when computer programs such as former SecEd William Bennett's K-12 did not exist. In 2015 K-12 and other home school virtual learning home school programs (virtual charters which are federally funded, with no elected boards) are being used across the nation by home schooled children. Their federal funding requires federal assessment. Federal assessment includes every bad thing you have heard about Communist Core. Secretary Bennett, when he was in charge of K-12, responded to savvy homeschoolers who asked him what test they would have to take, as follows:

"You will have to take the national test, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), since charter schools are federally funded." Communist Core is the latest version of the NAEP, on steroids due to computer assessment and remediation.

You may not realize that homeschoolers have already fallen into the charter school trap! The following information is taken from Virtual Schools:

Founded in 1999 by William J. Bennett, along with other leaders, K12 offers a traditional program of learning using online technology and traditional content. Many states are offering the K12 program through Virtual Academies, with programs that are free of charge to participating families.

K-12 Large Families.
This group is for large families using the K-12 curriculum created by Dr. William Bennett. Both homeschooling families and Virtual School families are welcome. It is particularly intended for families with more than 3 children in K-12 as well as additional teens, toddlers and babies. Discussions include both the curriculum and the challenges of implementing it in a large family.

Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, PVA uses the tested and proven PAC curriculum, but in a virtual, online setting. Students with Internet access can now benefit from the PAC program from anywhere in the world.

Application Choices
Paradigm Virtual Academy (PVA) and Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum (PAC) is applicable in the following school choice options:

1) Home School (students complete courses at home-school operated by parents)

2) Charter School (public school operated like a private school-tax exempt organization)

3) Contract School (A private school under contract with a local public school)

4) Alternative Credit Recovery School (public or private school for recovering at-risk students)

5) Home-Public School program (register with local public school, but study at home)

6) School-within-a-School (individualized learning program operated in a public school)

7) Private School (sectarian or secular school when students pay tuition or apply a state voucher)

8) Magnet School (public school with specialty curriculum and course of study, usually for careers, but not necessarily).



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