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Was the “Batman Shooting” a Ritualistic Murder Carried Out by Mind Controlled Patsy?
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Was the “Batman Shooting” a Ritualistic Murder Carried Out by Mind Controlled Patsy?


When terrible events like the now infamous “Batman Shooting” occurs, I tend to not have a knee-jerk reaction of yelling “It’s a conspiracy” because, obviously, sometimes it is not. But in some cases, like this one, tidbits of information begin leaking out, weird synchronicities surface and, at a certain point, one can’t help but think “hmm”, “huh?” and “what?”. Pieces of the puzzle start coming together and, when one is aware of the symbolism and workings of the occult elite, the whole thing starts to look like a big, dark, disturbing ritual that was carried out by pre-programmed patsy. No, I won’t say that I cracked the case, but here are some facts that simply cannot be overlooked.



Pop Culture Synchronicity

As it is always the case in these mega-rituals, the event appears to have been “foretold” in mass media. Coincidence, premeditation, or synchronicity? Not sure, but here are some strange things that appeared in the mass media before the shooting:

Released only days before the shooting, Lil Wayne’s video “My Homies Still” features him and his boys sitting in a movie theater full of skeletons. Aside from this scarily prophetic scene, the video features many dismembered dummies, a symbol associated with Mind Control.

Shown right before the fatal showing of Dark Knight Rises, this trailer of the movie Gangster Squad ends with a big shooting in a movie theater.

In the trailer, gangsters walk through the movie screen and start shooting at the crowd. Strange that the people at the “Batman shooting” actually saw this right before it then happened to them. Fiction indeed turned into reality.


Was the Batman shooting a mega-ritual carried out by the occult elite and its mass media appendage? It is not possible to say for certain, but a lot of the information that is surfacing leads Vigilant observers to realize: “Something’s weird about this”. As it is always the case in these types of events, the “investigation” will most likely begin and end with the proverbial “lone nut”, the single crazy psychopath toward which all fingers will be pointed. Were there people pulling his strings? Maybe, but the media always show the puppets, never the puppet masters.

Some might ask: “Why would ‘they’ even want to carry out these kinds of rituals?” It is indeed quite difficult to compute these events without taking into account “their” mindset, which is all about magick, symbolism, numerology and the power of rituals.

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