Freemasonry, Western Hermeticism & Occult Origins of the Manitoba Legislative Building
Frank Albo is a PhD candidate in the History of Art at the University of Cambridge where he specializes on the influence of Freemasonry in the nineteenth century architectural theory and historiography. His groundbreaking discoveries on the Freemasonic symbolism in the Manitoba Legislative Building have been featured in numerous articles, radio, and TV shows. He is also author of “The Hermetic Code”. For the first hour of this show, we discuss the roots of Freemasonry and the Hermetic Western Tradition, a set of philosophical and religious beliefs or gnosis based primarily upon the Hellenistic Egyptian pseudepigraphical writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus who is the representation of the conflation of the Egyptian god Thoth with the Greek Hermes. These beliefs have heavily influenced the Western Esoteric Tradition. During the second hour, we discuss the occult and astrological origins of the Manitoba Legislative Building. The Manitoba Legislative Building is the architectural gem of the city of Winnipeg and the province of Manitoba, yet few people know of its occult secrets.Relevant Links
Is Local Legislature a Disguised Pagan Temple?
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Hermeticism and Western Esotericism
Inside The Brotherhood (Video)