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Religion, The Greatest Fraud Ever Sold

Leo Rutherford worked in industry for twenty years, and for the last twelve years of that was a Managing Director of a manufacturing company which made tin cans and drums. By the age of forty he was suffering from acute stress and depression and 'normal' life did not make sense to him any more. He took his life apart and set out to find an alternative path, a path with more heart. He went through all kinds of therapy, learned to dance, sing and play in a way he hadn't since childhood, and he gained his MA in Holistic Psychology at Antioch University in San Francisco, where he lived for five years. Unexpectedly he came across the beautiful ancient wisdom of the indigenous shamans. He says it is his great joy to pass on to others through these workshops, some of the experience and knowledge that helped him to transform his life. A process that goes on and on........ He is the author of "Thorsons Way of Shamanism", "The View Through the Medicine Wheel", "Shamanic Path Workbook" and the upcoming title "Spirituality without Religion - The God Who Hates Bodies, Women and Sex". He joins us to talk about shamanism, religion, Christianity, the relationship to sexuality and religion as the great fraud. Topics Discussed: shamanism, Christianity, Billy Graham, suppressing emotions, sexuality, why is sexuality being suppressed in the Christian church?, war and love, the inquisition, witch, a male prerogative, celibacy, Virgin Mare - Mary, Jesus Christ, crucifixion, sacrifice, Justin Martyr, Rome, Constantine, Rome and the UK, envy, women and birth, Genesis, creation, Adam & Eve, serpent, with knowledge comes pleasure and pain, choice and adaptable people. In the second hour with Leo we focus on the the ”Four Steps of Shamanism” and the process of becoming whole. Leo discusses the importance of letting go and how to regain your self esteem. He also talks about how to finally master the ”Wheel of Life”. Leo shares his view of this planet as an asylum. Then, we discuss the role of the shaman in today's world. Can shamanism offer any solutions to our problems? Who and what is the shaman in these times? More Topics Discussed: in spirit, the path of the shaman, shamans the psychology of old, ancient cosmology, the view through the medicine wheel, disconnecting from the society, into the wilderness, a shamanic journey in four parts, self esteem, sexual taboos, peer pressure, school competition, Xibalba, fear, death, stopping the mind, Carlos Castaneda, meditative state, active meditation, images from the future, imagination, creation, free will, visions, retreat from life, involvement & dis-involvement, death gives life, cycle of life, asylum, finding your own way and more.

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Catholic Church

Justin Martyr



Human Sexuality






Constantine I

Book of Genesis

"God" the divine Liar

Adam & Eve

Books or Other Material

Shamanic Path Workbook

The View Through the Medicine Wheel: Shamanic Maps of How the Universe Works

Way of Shamanism

Your Shamanic Path: Ancient Wisdom for a Modern World

More from Guest(s) / Speaker(s)

Episode 4 - Symbolism in Logos


Hear the second hour SUBSCRIBE FOR FULL ACCESS

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Henrik Palmgren

Henrik Palmgren was born in Götaland, Sweden, the land of the Goths. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Red Ice, founded in 2003. Henrik is most known as the host of Red Ice Radio and produces all the video content on Red Ice, including most of the music, graphics and animations. He also offers his commentary on current events in Red Ice TV’s livestream show on Saturdays. Henrik is most concerned with European heritage, culture and counter acting the global internationalists. @Henrik_Palmgren


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