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Episode 4 - Symbolism in Logos

This episode was filmed in Bath and Bristol, England featuring special guests such as Michael Tsarion, Neil Hague, Ralph Ellis, Leo Rutherford, Neil Kramer, Dan Tatman and Peter Taylor. We also interview a priest, university students, teachers and of course a couple random pub interviews. We begin the show discussing the symbolism of two major corporations, Starbucks and Apple. What is really being said in logos?

Relevant Links

Documentary: Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the "American Dream"
The Explicit Anti-White Propaganda of Jewish Hollywood
An Empire of Their Own
Eye on Hollywood: Reel Bad WASPs

More from Guest(s) / Speaker(s)

Tools for Global Uniformity: Human Rights, Discrimination & EqualityImperial Culture vs. Tribal HeritageThe Journey of Divine Will & The Path of the IntrovertKing of Edessa & The Omphalos StoneParticipating in the Unfoldment, 4D Beings & Divine WillMary Magdalene, House of Orange, The Reformation & The Threat of IslamThe Biblical Shepherd Kings, Egyptian Hyksos Pharaohs & The ExodusesControl of the Art Industry, The Old World Order, The Age of Leo & The Awakening SunOwning the Dystopian Daydream, Artificial Constructs & The Control System


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