The Patterson Bigfoot Film
Jeff Hilling is a Bigfoot historian and the author of "The Great Bigfoot Film Mystery: What really happened on October 20th 1967?" Jeff is the creator of, a website that takes a unique neutral approach to dealing with the facts, legends, and rumors surrounding this most controversial film footage. In 1967 Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin set out to film the unknown...a creature of myth, legend and folklore. On October 20th of that year, they captured the image of a terrifying man-beast, in which to this day still enthralls, enchants, and bewilders both scientist and laymen alike. The Patterson film is still by far the best all around evidence of a sasquatch creature to date. Jeff holds a neutral position in order to weigh all the evidence and circumstances surrounding this event in an unbiased manner, he does not presume the Patterson film footage is an authentic creature, nor do we presume it was a hoax. In the first hour we talk about the background of the film, Jeff's bigfoot interest and what happened on the 20th of October 1967. We proceed to discuss the Patterson film and the great bigfoot mystery with Jeff Hilling in the second hour. We begin with historical comparisons with other creatures that mankind has looked for in the past. It's been difficult to obtaining evidence for their existence. For instance, from the discovery of the first mountain gorilla that was shot, it took about 40 years before we could properly locate and study the new species. Then, we talk about those who claim to be behind the hoax, including Philip Morris as the costume maker and Bob Heironimus as the figure depicted in the Patterson film. Later, we discuss a few of the embarrassing attempts by some TV programs to recreate this so called hoax. Today with CGI and aspirations of a viral 15 minute YouTube hit, it is different than the 60s. There are so many factors that strongly indicate that this film might be the real deal.Relevant Links
pattersonfilm.comPatterson-Gimlin film
Bill Munn Bigfoot website
Frame by Frame stabilization of the Patterson Film
The Munns Report
Original 1967 Article
Patterson Film Articles
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