White Girls Black Dolls: Destroying White Bias
Lana provides an alternative view to the Kenneth Clark's 1940s doll study and provides the historical background that connects the American Civil Rights Movement, Communism and the Frankfurt School. After Hitler, Jewish intellectuals pushed critical theory as a means to destroy Western Civilization and "potential fascists." We'll fast forward to today and see these ideas in action, ultimately seeking the total obliteration of White people. White girls loving White dolls is racism but Black girls loving Black dolls is self love?
Relevant Links
The Brown v. Board of Education Hoax
What Is Cultural Marxism?
Kenneth and Mamie Clark
Ruth Handler
CNN: Study, White and black children biased toward lighter skin
Why Black Dolls Matter (But not White)
Doll Test
Gunnar Myrdal
Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness (Documentary)
Recognising a Cultural Marxist
The Narrative: The origins of Political Correctness
The Socialist-Capitalist Alliance: the Fabian Society, the Frankfurt School, and Big Business: Part One