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Cult of Cash and the Dogma of Dollars
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Cult of Cash and the Dogma of Dollars

There is nothing more warping to a soul than to place the value of material possessions above matters of the spirit. When attempting to figure out why the world is so lost, and why America is careening out of control, one has to look no further than the almighty dollar. More than anything, Americans are taught to value things. The God that is worshipped by many is money. Do you think there is not a subconscious impact to the words IN GOD WE TRUST being printed right on the circulating paper itself? The implication is that the money is God and if you spend your life scrounging for it, you will be ‘secure’. Faith need not apply, because the Capitalist system is there for you. From Health care to 401K, you do not even need to bother with the risk of living! Just do as you are told and everything will be fine.

Some may even agree with this assessment in theory, but in day to day life they cannot escape money’s influence on their thinking and choices. The collective reinforcement is everywhere. This is one reason why the people working to cut down on public billboards and advertisements philosophically have a correct idea. Being immersed in manipulations, our gestalt mindset is dramatically altered. After awhile we become so accustomed to it, that we can be SOLD just about anything. For example: a War on Terror, or a War on Iraq. The White House did nothing different than any PR firm trying to launch an ad campaign. Propaganda is the name of the game. Truth is not the measure of success, influence for financial gain is. We may consider that as a country we lost billions on war, but not everybody did.

In fact much of what occurred is a shifting of the nation’s money into the accounts of corporations and the dramatically dreary families of privilege. The situation was not instigated by the individuals currently dwelling in bodies participating in the scenario. They were born into an elitism established by their forefathers at the expense of natives, slaves, women, and poor whites. America pretends there is no class system but in fact it is one of the most diabolical in all of history. It is a 300 million tiered class structure based on what is in your bank account. How the money gets there is irrelevant as long as you are not caught. If you have it there are different rules for you. Much praise will follow you and there is danger that you will begin to see interpersonal relationships as just another business transaction.

So obsessed do people become with greed and the desire to accumulate wealth, they lose track of all that is truly meaningful in life. A person can share a few supportive words, or a hug of love and it can melt away years of pain. Giving a gift from the heart for no reason other than that you feel called to share is the real indulgence on Earth. Taking at the expense of others, you may become richer in the world, but you will become poor in spirit. Minds under the influence of this deception can not see beauty, refinement, or grace. This is why in America art, music, poetry, and philosophy are not integrally valued. They are intangibles of the soul. Their worth is transcendent, incomparable, and limitless! You can not use them to go to Wal-Mart and buy a flat screen TV. You can however save your soul and heal your heart.

A great reorientation has to occur if America is ever to be truly tremendous. Christianity has become intermingled with Capitalism to create a mish mash of illusions and consciousness traps. Stop crucifying Jesus, and free the Father as thou shall have no other Gods before Him (especially not money). This is not an obligation, but in our own best interest. If we worship other than the creative force which sustains the universe and gives us our inherent goodness, we will be swayed to walk off the path of righteousness into the thorns of sin as defined by the cause and effect penalties inherent in straying from the Tao. To be in harmony with nature is easy and right. To be isolated and fight to gain selfish power is to eventually become exhausted and render this and many lifetimes detrimental to the growth of humanity.

Always keep space from the ways/wars of the world. You can move amongst the masses and buy trinkets in the marketplace. Enjoy and if you have money, spend it guilt free. Just keep it in its proper perspective. Do not let it influence your personal value system. Love and Life are worth far more than the Dogma of Dollars. There are universal laws with rewards from a much sweeter source. If there is anything that America needs to wake up to it is that consumerism is not a healthy way of life. It is not to be praised, cultivated, or desired. If you are involved in perpetuating this disease, you have personal responsibility. The line is crossed when the truth is obscured and a gift becomes an obligation. Remember that you are always intimately tied to the whole. To be for all is to be for your highest self and for God.

~Christopher Moors

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