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Is this the Blue Star of Hopi Prophecy or Just a NASA Superhype?
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Is this the Blue Star of Hopi Prophecy or Just a NASA Superhype?

For some, NASA’s announcement on May 14, 2008, was a major disappointment. Before the news conference Enterprise Mission’s director Richard C. Hoagland speculated that NASA would finally confirm the existence of an exo-planet. UFO researcher Paola Harris even believed, wishfully perhaps, that the agency would disclose the discovery of alien artifacts. After all, NASA’s own website had touted the finding as “…an object in our Galaxy astronomers have been hunting for more than 50 years.”

What NASA actually found was prosaically named G1.9+0.3. This supernova exploded only about 140 years ago near the center of our Milky Way Galaxy 26,000 light-years away. The star’s demise nevertheless remained undetected by optical telescopes because it had been obscured by a dense mass of gas and dust. The remnant of the blast, however, could be seen by both the Chandra telescope, which is an x-ray observatory in orbit, and the Very Large Array (VLA), a Y-shaped configuration of 27 radio telescopes in New Mexico.

Besides being the youngest supernova ever found in our own spiral galaxy, G1.9 had some unusual properties. “The high expansion velocities and extreme particle energies that have been generated are unprecedented and should stimulate deeper studies of the object with Chandra and the Very Large Array.”

At the news conference one NASA scientist stated that it is the only object in its class becoming increasingly brighter. Thus, the shell of hot gas and high-energy particles that the explosion generated is still apparently growing at an astounding rate. “In the case of G1.9+0.3 the material is expanding outwards at almost 35 million miles per hour, or about 5% the speed of light, an unprecedented expansion speed for a supernova remnant. Another superlative for G1.9+0.3 is that it has generated the most energetic electrons ever seen in a supernova remnant.”

This, then, is clearly an astronomical anomaly.

The Hopi of northern Arizona have a prophecy of the End Times. They say that toward the final phase of our current Fourth World, the Blue Star Kachina (Sakwa Sohu) will dance in the village plaza and then remove his mask. For a kachina to remove his mask during one of these annual sacred rituals is indeed unprecedented. This extraordinary event is tantamount to apostasy and will cause the total abandonment of the Hopi ceremonial cycle.

The result will trigger a further imbalance of the Earth’s natural processes. (Tragic reminders of this within the past week include Cyclone Nargis, which killed over 128,000 people in Burma, and a 7.9 magnitude earthquake in the Szechuan Province of China, with a current death toll of 20,000 and rising.) Although unconfirmed, the removal of the Blue Star Kachina’s mask is rumored to have recently occurred.

The Hopi have predicted that after this happens a blue star will appear in the sky and the end of the age is soon to follow. (See my Viewzone article “The Hopi Blue Star: Comets, Supernovae, and the Coming Catastrophe” at

This composite image displays the 1985 VLA image in blue surrounded by the 2007 Chandra image in orange. It shows a 16% expansion during the 22 years.

Referring to the photo above, I might add: the Hopi predicted that soon after the arrival of the Blue Star Kachina, the Red Star Kachina (Paha Sohu) would come and act as the Purifier. Are we seeing these two kachinas arriving in tamdem?

What is the significance of this supernova erupting shortly after the end of the American Civil War? It was, we remember, a period when the United States began to assume its dominant position as a global superpower. Does this nation’s hegemony in part determine the world’s ultimate destiny?

Artist’s impression of the supernova explosion

Are we receiving a signal from the heart of our galaxy where a massive black hole is thought to exist? The Maya referred to this region as the Hunab K’u, the Only Giver of Movement and Measure. This may be yet another ominous signpost we move toward on the strange road to 2012.

Check out the cool NASA animation, MPEG, 6.8 MB:


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