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Italy and the Will to Say ‘No!’
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Italy and the Will to Say ‘No!’


New populist government closes all ports to “migrants”

The refusal by Italy’s new “populist” coalition government of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement and the hard right Lega to allow an NGO vessel with 629 African migrants masquerading as refugees on board to dock in Italy is an historic act.

The global liberal left, which regards mass immigration as crucial to the realization of its dream of creating a multicultural world without borders, is outraged.

French President Emmanuel Macron—the current golden boy in Europe—said on Tuesday that the decision by Italy was “cynical” and “irresponsible.” The spokesman of his party “En Marche!” described it as “nauseating.” Bien pensant liberals across the European continent agreed.

But despite them, Italy’s new populist government is determined to fulfill the pledge to the Italian people made during the election campaign by the leader of the Lega, Matteo Salvini, who is now interior minister and deputy prime minister in the new government: to stop any more migrants being ferried to Italy by sea from Libya and deport all of the 500,000 arrivals who are not refugees.

Since the first government in Western Europe of what are commonly known as populists was installed in Italy 10 days ago, Mr. Salvini has talked about nothing but the migrant crisis. As a result, the popularity of his party—which got 17.4 percent in the March elections—has shot up in latest opinion polls to over 27 percent, which is very close to its coalition partner, the Five Star Movement, which got more votes than any other party at the elections—32 percent—but whose support has fallen to 30 percent.

In the elections, no single party or coalition got the required 40 percent of the vote to win a majority in Parliament. In the end, Five Star and Lega—sworn enemies that share a hostility to the EU and illegal migrants—struck a deal to form a government.

It is a bit like Bernie Saunders teaming up with Donald Trump, Jean-Luc Mélenchon with Marine Le Pen, or Jeremy Corbyn and UKIP.

Please read the entire article at American Renaissance.



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